Today, Sunday، 23 Feb 2025 - 01:58

Acronym Finder

What is NDB ?
Non-directional beacon
Beacon, non-directional (NDB), the kind, the transmitter radio signal is that for the purposes of navigation in aviation and maritime use. that the name suggests, this signal contains information about the direction of the country....
What is SPM ?
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Microscope, SEM images (SPM) of a probe on which the sample moves, to check the level of the samples they use. With the use of this microscope, in addition to surface topography, etc. can be about the frictions, magnetization, etc. thermal properties and elasticity of the surface also the information gained when using other methods attainable. In this microscope, etc. the tip of a probe, healthy, and ideal, very sharp. as in its tip only an atom takes place in ... so the sensitivity is very high and is due to the dimensions of the very small can be in the limit Nm, etc. the smallest Zip or loudness at sample level analysis) and the use of equipment and software available in the device. the data obtained as the image on the display screen....
What is VDSL ?
Very high bit rate Subscriber Line
Broadband standard based VDSL is one of the common standards of the global XDSL . The performance of VDSL, in most cases, similar to ADSL . Despite the similarities existing in this field, disputes are numerous, as well as the following items there :

- download speed on a standard WAN port. 52 Mbps download and 16 Mbps upload, and VDSL2, etc. 100 download and 22 Mbps upload that in any is asymmetric.

- providing service from optical close to the joint, which increases the quality, service and speed.

- use of the substrate wire copper joint without the need to switch and or the wiring again .

- ability to provide value-added services to subscribers such as phone lines, SIP ( phone on the internet platform ), the video conference, IP-Tv, etc...
What is SAS ?
Stability Augmentation System
System to increase stability (SAS) is a type of control system, automatic flight. However, instead of putting the aircraft in a condition or predetermined path, etc. causes the correction damping oscillations to the optimal value, regardless of conditions and route of flight. System to increase stability, can cause the stability of the aircraft in one or multi-axis geared. For example, a common type, it Yau(Yaw Damper) is called that for sustainability and dispel mode, tumbling the Dutch(Dutch Roll) in the aircraft has Sweep back. and also some of these systems, along with system . Yau includes the sensor of Yau, etc., computer or amplifier and servo-(Servo-Actuator). This system uses the sensor. the start time, swing, tumbling Dutch, can cons. Computing the amount of displacement of the rudder, the vertical calculation, and then to the operator command corresponding to the control surfaces to move. Since all aircraft have wings (Sweep back), the mode Dutch-roll instability. from the system, it can be used....
What is A/P ?
Auto Pilot
The pilot, an automated system is to guide a vehicle without human help, used. This means so far, in the plane, the boat, (which with auto-gear known), the spacecraft ... rocket and... is used.
in the early days of Aviation., the planes to an aviation to a pilot the direction of flight safe needed. Long range flying, sometimes increases, and this causes fatigue serious. The Autopilot is designed to perform some of the tasks of the pilot. The first autopilot, the aircraft by the company spray in 1912, was developed. Autopilot to a heading indicator gyroscopic and index operator, the hydraulic and the rudder was attached. to the wing dihedral for the production of stability the stability of the roll connected was not. This that plane on a level flight anymore and the workload of the pilot eased geared. All passenger aircraft flying today, a system of auto-pilot having....
What is ABAS ?
Aircraft Based Augmentation System
redundancy on plane...
What is DTS ?
Digital Theater Systems
In 1993, a new technology from a company called Digital Theater Systems, to the industry of cinema, was released, and the DTS name.
In this system, six channel sound different on one or two CD recordings are for. cinemas equipped with a disk reader and a decoder, which are grasping the information CD to six channels for playback analysis.
In this system, channel facing, there is a subwoofer accompaniment. Two separate channels is also on the left and the right there.
in home theater systems that DTS can support. the sound and picture both on a disc and in a layer different recordings are but at the cinema with a coding, sound and image all at the same time....