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Giant Magellan Telescope
the construction site of the telescope in the Observatory, Las in 115 kilometers Chile is that the telescopes, the Magellan, also it is located. This place in the desert of Atacama, which is not only free from pollution the air is, but due to being away from light pollution is one of the best parts of the Earth for observations of long-term season is.
operation of this telescope in November 2015 began. Previously, soil mapping, and joint to flatten the peaks Las done up the field for the construction of the telescope be provided. This telescope in an international project under the supervision of the United States of America can be built. Australia, Brazil, South Korea and Chile, the other members of the project are.
telescope, large Magellan, in the year 2021 while active that will be just the number of mirrors it installed. But until 2024 or 2025, all of them are installed.
except Magellan, two very large, another that in the spectra of visible and near infrared can work in various stages of design and construction. Very Large Telescope, European, (E-ELT), which is also in Chile and a telescope Thirty Meter (TMT) in Hawaii, will be built two telescopes are the other. Diameter mirror, the telescope, respectively, 39 km and 30 km, so after completion of Magellan, the larger they will be. The two telescope architecture is very different they will be, because the surfaces of the main reflective they contain hundreds of small mirrors would be.