Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 06:16

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What is HARP ?

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Program research the ionosphere, the active high-frequency, known as harp (HAARP) is a research project that in the year 1993 to review and research about the layers of the ionosphere using radio waves ELF/ULF/VLF has been established.

This facility, jointly organized by the air force, American Navy, University of Alaska in Fairbanks, and close to 15 American university other department and used. The company is the maker of this facility, the company BAE Advanced Technologies.

This system is now a collection of antennas for includes 180 antenna tower aluminum to a height of 50/23 km, formed as on Earth, the vast expanses of Area 23٬000 square meters, in Alaska, is installed. This antenna, the waves superiors, short ELF/ULF/VLF with a 3. the 6 MW ERP production and to the ionosphere sender.

harp project is scientific and through it the scientists, changes in the ionosphere that is the farthest and the most unknown part of Earth's atmosphere, it is possible to study about it, find and it for a lab, and brought them. Harp on this with radio waves of high frequency that by the radars of your published works do. Part of these waves at a height of 100 to 350 km from the Earth's surface is absorbed and increases the acceleration of the electrons in that region and result in the warming of the ionosphere. Harp in the Cold War era, this goal was launched that are some ways to communicate with the submarines equipped with nuclear weapons is discovered. This submarine, at that time, the importance of strategy frequency was because the principle of "guarantee the destruction of the cross" in Nuclear War scholar, he said. But this project, even from before making your rumors in abundance about the purpose and applications it tied. Conspiracy theories a variety of about it raised and release beams of death, control of the mind to which it is attributed. Complete the harp for about two decades, pulled over, and the $ 250 million cost of building and operating it.