Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 18:26

Acronym Finder

What is A/P ?

Auto Pilot

The pilot, an automated system is to guide a vehicle without human help, used. This means so far, in the plane, the boat, (which with auto-gear known), the spacecraft ... rocket and... is used.
in the early days of Aviation., the planes to an aviation to a pilot the direction of flight safe needed. Long range flying, sometimes increases, and this causes fatigue serious. The Autopilot is designed to perform some of the tasks of the pilot. The first autopilot, the aircraft by the company spray in 1912, was developed. Autopilot to a heading indicator gyroscopic and index operator, the hydraulic and the rudder was attached. to the wing dihedral for the production of stability the stability of the roll connected was not. This that plane on a level flight anymore and the workload of the pilot eased geared. All passenger aircraft flying today, a system of auto-pilot having.