Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 04:56

Acronym Finder

What is BSC ?

Binary Symmetric Channel

Channel is binary symmetric(BSC) is a kind of Channel Telecom is common in the theory of coding and information theory can be used.In this mode, the transmitter a bit (zero or one ) and sends the receiver a bit to get.It is assumes that the bits just transferred unless with a low probability of bit corrupted. This type of channel due to the simplicity in analysis, information theory is used.

channel simplify to the meaning of this is that only one of the two signs(usually 0 and 1) can be sent.The transfer of the ideal is not, and can be confused with combined.This type of Channel, because of the easiest channels can be the case, the attention of theorists.The ability to send in this type of channel capability, solved channels more to our will.