25What is MVNO ?Mobile Virtual Network OperatorThe company Wireless that are branded, marketing, retail sto...
28What is MEID ?Mobile Equipment IdentifierA number ID, which is universal for any mobile phone new CDM...
26What is GAIT ?GSM ANSI-41 Interoperability TeamGAIT, etc. teams within the organization, Empower the GSM / ...
26What is EGSM ?Extended Global System for Mobile CommunicationsA band of radio frequencies that, in Europe, to provide capa...
36What is ERI ?Enhanced Roaming IndicatorFeature phones PRL to indicate to a buyer whether on a home ...
24What is DTMF ?Dual Tone Multi-FrequencyDTMF the world standard for music listening that the digits ...
30What is BREW ?Binary Run-time Environment for WirelessBREW ( Environment, time, stream, binary for wireless ), a s...