Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 06:43

Acronym Finder

What is TCO ?
The swedish Confederation of Professional Employment
The standard or SI, he, TCO Certification) from the Union of Professional Employees, Sweden, delivers and goal coordination in providing electronic products display, keyboard, printer, cell phone, office equipment and.... Standards provided by this organization in line with the four basic principles of these standards, which of the following have :
- improvement in energy consumption ( like Energy Star )
- improvement in the optimization of ecological products to protect human and environment from contamination
- the amount of the radiation rays emitted from the pages of the cathode, and the flat
- improvements in the ease of use of the products for ...
What is DLNA ?
Digital Living Network Alliance
LCD Ann (DLNA) standard for communication between digital devices with household consumption on the substrate network, under IP .

This standard from the year 2004, launched, and so far more than 245 companies of the world under which they were taken . Devices that meet this standard, they can connect to a home network of facilities share data sources (File Sharing) and many networking possibilities, easily enjoyed . Nowadays, the products because laptop, mobile phones, TV, devices, player, audio, satellite receiver, and ... under this standard ....
What is ASTM ?
American Society for Testing and Materials
One of the most international organizations, the developer is the standard.
expanded standards for the organization, which includes technical standards for materials, products, systems and services. based on consensus (agreement of the members) is passed. This organization has 30, the 000 members from 120 countries of the world....
What is MSRP ?
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
The price of the proposed company, the manufacturer of the goods for supply in retail is that in the balancing prices for a commodity in different places play an important role....
What is OHSAS ?
Occupational Health Safety Assessment Series
Series assessment of Occupational Health Safety (OHSAS) standard, reliable rating and obtain the certification.

in 1998, a committee consisting of the British Standards Institution., the companies, the original certified provider, the UK, and other international organizations, the standard was formed that its purpose the codification of a standard unit.

OHSAS 18001 in response to the needs of organizations to a standard management system, Occupational Health and safety, which by its order management system in the areas of Health and safety and to assess has been developed.

the structure of the standard OHSAS 18001 is compatible with ISO 9000 standards and ISO 14000 is so organizations can easily management systems quality, environment and occupational health and safety with each other, integration, and system management integration, to create.

a management system for Occupational Safety and health, etc. in the organization, and identify, remove or minimize the risks associated with the health and safety of our employees and other interested parties who are exposed to it. help....
What is SDH ?
‏Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
Dynasty digit* or as more.... SD to a friend (SDH) standard for communication high-speed on fiber-optic or radio link. This is the standard that of the standard, more, PHP, HTML (PDH)* originated to some the name of CM* as well. CM SONET, generally, the standard used in the US and Canada is that the direction of data transfer simultaneously, such as DS1,mature DS1 non-simultaneous, such as ATM widely used in telecommunication.

SD name of the standard is that by IP or IO in the standard iPhone or Yu-Ji.707 is designed. Standard CM belongs to Annecy, have been separately designed. Both the standard similarity to each other. Though the SD to a friend, slightly wider than CM is, but more differences in the two standard naming segmenting data returns. This article exclusively to the international standard pays.

in the system SD to a friend, contrary to PHP, HTML to separate one-time contains the original data* a higher level (e.g., E1) does not need to reopen the signal level will not be high, this reduces the access time and ... the complexity and fuzzies that the price of equipment will be.

in SD a friend signal integration* The *, etc. for the flow of optical fiber, or radio signal link, the relay radio or satellite links, or for electrical cable, coaxial, intercom, and transferred.

SD to a friend in 1992, the telecommunication network was introduced, and since then, with growth rapid in all levels of the structure of the network communications is handled. Including network access, urban, long-distance. This system, as it was based on the old system, PHP, HTML, and improve it, especially in terms of discussing the timing * was created. Unlike PHP, HTML, signals SD to a friend are standard complex system for the extraction and the same time, Clock different. The rules and standards of the SD to a friend by CC IP t-t (ITU or CCITT) has been developed....
What is HiperMAN ?
High Performance Radio Metropolitan Area Network
(Hiperman) the name of any standard of telecommunication.

the name of the standard from an initial for English words, High Performance Radio Metropolitan Area Network (meaning network of the regional huge urban radio acted up) right.

This standard by the Institute of European standards (ETSI) launched and to network, high bandwidth refers. GHZ 11-2 a bandwidth that is a function of the above mentioned standard. The system of WIMAX, Korean is taken. This system can be DSL, wireless, produce. The process of standardization according to the solution of bandwidth optimization. This fit the figure below 11 GHZ will be considered. This system in closed networks, useful to be read and the program sponsor, fixed and . This system has a system of wireless access and fixed frequency between 2 and 11. This standard can be used for SME and MAC design. 16-802 a standard in 2001. This system can be a subset of the IEEE 802/16. In 2003 also, the system sponsor, the ATM was and so IP traffic plays an important role found in several categories of the scheme can be operation of your practice. This system to DTMP, and the grid Mesh can help and sponsor a frequency FDD, and TDD, and the terminal H-FDD. This figure is less options and the simplification of the process, the executive is associated....
What is ABV ?
Alcohol By Volume
The amount of alcohol that briefly ABV, or alc/vol is shown. standard to indicate the amount of alcohol (ethanol) is contained in an alcoholic beverage. This standard is worldwide used....