Today, Thursday، 13 Mar 2025 - 20:25

Acronym Finder

What is NCR ?
Non Conformity Report
Report of non-compliance, the so-called projects that the foreign supplier are used....
What is LTD ?
ltd. The abbreviation Co., Ltd, which is after the name of the commercial company be listed, such as:
The Locomotive Construction Company Ltd
The Meaning of \"construction company Locomotive with limited liability\"

multi-attribute Co., Ltd in Iran:
Co., Ltd in Iran, only with at least two reliable partner registration.
each of the partners on the basis of a share in that company. of the franchise, entitled. Of course, can be found in the statute right to vote changed.
unlike other types of companies. the minimum and maximum amount for the capital of the company with limited liability does not exist....
What is BIN ?
Bank Identification Number
Six digits, the first bank card that represents the identification number of the bank or BIN, is and represents this is that the card above, by which the bank is issued....
What is SDE ?
Stochastic Differential Equation
A equation of the differential random or Stochastic Differential Equation or SDE equation in which one or a few variables of a process are random. Finally, the answer to this type of equations is also a random process. The use of the SDE in the model storage complex, the possibility is very wide. including in modeling the cost of market fluctuations or physical modeling fluctuations in the temperature of objects. Usually in this species, modeling of white noise as a parameter completely random used to be that your some kind of random process Wiener (Wiener Process). Although it must be said that in modeling random parameters in an equation of the differential random, and the use of other stochastic processes is also possible....
What is LID ?
Location Identifier
Location finder is a sign for names and places, such as airports, marine weather stations, etc., telecom, computer, report, Meteo services....
What is AoV ?
Angel of View
The term HFoV or AoV Name common to express the angle of view. The unit of measurement, viewing angle, degrees (such as, phase 60, phase 120, phase 180). and to the range covering the horizontal shed.

What is HFoV ?
Horizontal Field of View
The term HFoV or AoV Name common to express the angle of view. The unit of measurement, viewing angle, degrees (such as, phase 60, phase 120, phase 180). and to the range covering the horizontal shed.

In addition, HFoV terminology the other, there are also application less. These two terms are of the FoV, vertical or VFoV and FoV diagonal (Diagonal FoV). These numbers may also be on the profile of the lens listed, but they should make them with HFoV wrong....
What is FOV ?
Field Of View
The angle of view or FOV to be deceptively complex. the most basic and easiest definition of it is “what camera can “see”.However, when analyzing the images or compare the camera factor, the FOV can have a large impact on the result....