Today, Friday، 7 Mar 2025 - 05:42

Acronym Finder

What is KG ?
Kilo Gram
A kilogram equal to the mass of a rod, Standard, made of alloy, platinum-iridium, which inside a set awning a nesting that it from pollution and inappropriate use maintains and in the Bureau of international weights and measure in Sur, etc. outside of Paris. maintained.After a while, the scientists saw that the mass of this rod is reduced! For this reason, scientists are making butter from crystals that are bigger than, quite specifically, a kg....
What is SI ?
International System of Units
System international standard that usually come with the titles "system metric", or "the system SI is" known., the device of the international standard is to measure the quantity, depending on The (units). This system in the 1960's, was established....
What is SW ?
Short Wave
Short wave SW, a band of radio waves that cover a large area is used. The range of frequency of these waves between 3000 to 30000 kHz. Features short-wave having a large number of channels. Namely, in a frequency range can be a large number of the station without interference....
What is PET ?
Positron Emission Tomography
Cross-journalism (tomography) with the publication of positrons that briefly PET called. a new method is that in the sciences, diagnostic medical physics, especially nuclear medicine application research and everyday abundance....
What is LD50 ?
Lethal Dose
El de 50 (dose for Islam) means the amount of deadly, etc. the phrase is from a certain amount of a toxin that, if a number of laboratory animals used for be used, on average, 50% of them.

the amount of El, 50, the larger is the toxicity of the substance is less. El de 50 based on mg / kg body weight of the animal used to determine the degree of toxicity is expressed. For example, El, 50 malathion, etc. of 3000 mg per kg body weight. Test el de 50 by Jay. W. (J. W. Trevan) in 1927 devised....
What is FAQ ?
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ a list of questions and the answers common in specific fields and in connection with the tube, it is known....
What is LOL ?
Laughing Out Loud
LOL for the phrase Laughing Out Loud or Laugh Out Loud means to laugh loudly. This acronym, a term common in slang the internet has become the means to chuckle or fun. LOL has been, historically, on Usenet, but was now in a lot of online conversation, and even out of the virtual world, and conversation, everyday to work....
What is TOEFL ?
Test of English as a Foreign Language
TOEFL, name of the test is that the amount of ability of people in the field communicate in English, at the level of universities and educational institutions to examine. This test by the Institute, STs (ETS) in three types of paper, computer and Internet held, and more than six thousand companies from over growing media thirty countries of the world accepted. The TOEFL the first time in 1964, held, and then ever closer to 20 million people in this test have participated.

degree TOEFL only two years of credit....