What is ELISA ?
Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay
test Eliza a Experiment cheap, and relatively accurate, and in which a sample of blood taken and in the top of the centrifuge can be. After separation of serum the blood from the particles of a substance, the reagent(depending on the virus, case tracking) to blood serum be added that the solution's color and makes the existence of antibodies anti-virus, select the highlights.
frequently, to avoid false positive results in Eliza, the after positive Eliza test, the Western Blot for verification is used.
test Elisa, in the usual mode for tracing antigens or antibodies in use so that one of these two substances in the solid bed to be fixed and to trace the latter could be used, but basically for tracking any pair of a substance that, like a pair of antigen and antibodies to both trends have the power, connect an appropriate ratio to have can be used (for example, the lectin to the ligand relevant to his or molecule to the recipient, dedicated his) Of course, this phenomenon, i.e. the connection between the two, a substance that antibodies and antigens, but tends to have most often problematic is to raise the sensitivity and the connection between antibodies and antigens in Elisa have the unwanted connections to somehow harness and or compensatory required to be considered.