Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 07:50

Acronym Finder

What is RHIC ?

Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

ion, heavy-relativistic, which is the acronym RHIC, or "Rick" can be read one of two Collider hadronic in the world, in National Laboratory Brookhaven, NY, The Americas is located, and by an international team of researchers, driven. The activity of the researchers to deliver the ions to the speed of relativistic and Clash them together is plasma the quark gluon to be formed, and from this through the first time, very short after the Big Bang. With the collision of the proton, the lahat spin, structure Proton is also checked.

Rick as the second Collider for high-energy world can be considered that the first rank at the disposal of the collider hadronic from CERN.

in 2010, the researchers of this collection, declared that a collision with the Ion, Gold was at a temperature of 4 trillion degrees kelvin, the plasma the quark gluon achieve.