Today, Friday، 7 Mar 2025 - 06:46

Acronym Finder

What is ب.م.م ?
بزرگ‌ترین مقسوم‌علیه مشترک
In Mathematics, B.M.M stands for the largest divisor against the common, the largest number that can divide two or more numbers without the remainder. B.M.M. Helps us simplify numbers or solve math problems associated with fractional numbers and proportions.

method of decomposition to the first factors to find B.M.M.:
- break down each number into first factors.
- find common factors between numbers.
- select and multiply the smallest common powers of the factors....
What is ک.م.م ?
کوچکترین مضرب مشترک
In mathematics, K.M.M stands for the smallest common multiplier. K.M.M is a number that is the smallest positive number common between multiples of two or more numbers....
What is لجمن ?
لبه جلویی منطقه نبرد
Legman is a term used in military literature, and it is a line that arises from the joining of the defensive positions of the rifle division forward, cutting the boundary lines at the point of liberation....
What is ICBM ?
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Intercontinental ballistic missiles are ballistic missiles with a range of more than 5,500 kilometers (3,400 miles). In general, these types of missiles are built for nuclear purposes and are capable of carrying one or more nuclear warheads, but can also be armed with conventional or chemical and microbial warheads. Most of today's intercontinental ballistic missiles benefit from multiple independent targeting capabilities; that is, they are armed with multiple warheads, each of which can hit a separate target....
What is CBD ?
Cannabidiol or CBD is a phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940. CBD is one of 113 cannabinoids discovered in Kingfisher and is found in up to forty percent concentrations in Kingfisher extract.

of the year 2019, research and clinical, in the case of the CBD was performed, and the impact of this matter on anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain was studied, but is said to be still documents with the quality that the impact of this material on these conditions to prove there isn't.cannabidiol can be introduced into the body in a variety of ways, including inhaling smoking elderberry in a smoker or vape.using spray Rosell in the cheek or through the mouth. This matter, in some countries, in the form of CBD oil (which is just a matter of active and CBS DVD have been without being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or that marijuana (flower) is available to having it. due to lack or friend thirty or amount of its property, mental, sexy marijuana does not have), the oil extract , etc., capsules, cannabis, dried or liquid solution may be prescribed. CBD the psychotropic effects of the son of his great-aunt does not have THC, as well as the presence of high levels of CBD in the body can reduce THC (negative) effects....
What is TOC ?
Total Organic Carbon
Biomass or biomass (iodine) from the point of view of Ecology refers to the mass of all biological organisms (including plant iodine substances، microalgae and organisms bacterial or fungal) in a given region or ecosystem at a given time. Biomass can refer to the biomass of a species which is the mass of one or more species in consideration، or to the collective and general biomass، which refers to the mass of all species that make up the community. It can include microorganisms - plants or animals. This crime can be expressed as the average mass per unit area of iodine or as the total mass in society. > how biomass is measured depends on the reason for the measurement of iodine. Sometimes biomass is regarded as the natural mass of organisms in situ-exactly as they are. For example, in fisheries, salmon trout biomass Trout possible, as the total wet weight the salmon in the same taken from the water to be considered. In other areas, for., the biomass can be in terms of mass, organic dried the size of the vote. so maybe the real weight of only 30% by weight may account for is the rest of the water. For other purposes-only biological tissues are counted, and teeth - bones and shells are excluded. In some applications iodine biomass is measured as the mass of carbon dependent on iodine substances: "total iodine carbon" (iodine) that exists....
What is UMVUE ?
Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator
\"On the uniformly minimal variance\" in the sciences of is dissipated on the uniformly minimal variance in all parameter spaces....
What is SAA ?
Steroidal Antiandrogen AR
Anti-androgen steroid for the acronym (SAA), an anti-androgen with a chemical structure of a steroid. These compounds are usually the antagonists of the androgen receptor (AR) that are also through blocking the effects of androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and also by suppressing the production of androgens, sex gland act. SAA reduces testosterone concentration through simulation of negative feedback inhibition of the hypothalamus. SAA used in the treatment of endrogen-dependent conditions in men and women. It is also used in veterinary medicine for the same purpose. These medications conversely, anti-androgens, the (NSAAs), which are anti-androgens are steroid has been in terms of structural testosterone communication whatsoever....