Today, Wednesday، 5 Feb 2025 - 22:29

Acronym Finder

What is PDB ?
Protein Data Bank
Bank data protein (abbreviated PDB) is a source for data, three-dimensional structure of proteins and nucleic acids. This data generally is beam-X or view, AR to come and by the biologist or environmental chemistry craft from around the world for publicly available it left.

In this database, information related to the structure of the three-dimensional bio is saved. RCSB this database will be created and developed.
In this base, now about 50 thousand building DNA. protein, or both, is stored, that all methods in the laboratory, such as NMR, X-ray diffraction tits electron microscopy, and the like have obtained....
What is DSSC ?
Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
Solar cells color-sensitive (or briefly DSSC mature DSC mature DYSC), such solar cell cheap price belongs to Category solar cell layer is thin. Based on the work of these cells, a semi- by which an anode is sensitive to light, and an electrolyte is formed.

although the efficiency of energy conversion in these cells as compared to the other solar cells, the bottom looks like, but what causes the development of this generation of cells has been the low-price ratio on the performance of them, that produces energy to making affordable. In honor of the manufacturer of the cell. Mikhail , they called Grätzel cell as well....
What is SHC ?
Spontaneous Human Combustion
Combustion, spontaneous human, (in English abbreviation SHC said to be) to the phenomenon of the members of the human body live, without the existence of external factor identified is said to be....
What is PMBOK ?
Project Management Body Of Knowledge
The project management board, the USA manufacturing PMI was established in 1969. This association, in 1976, decided, comments, project managers documented that the result of this activity in 1987 under the title Project Management Body Of Knowledge was published.

in 1996, the first official version of the standard PMBOK was published in 1999, to confirm the ANSI hit.

at the end of 2004 over one million copies of the book Guide PMBOK had been sold, and close to 75000 people a diploma, PMP have received....
What is RV ?
Recreational Vehicle
Car, caravan, or briefly, RV, etc. to those of the car are said to be which has a longitudinal, has been in the back of the head of the driver features of such as for. cooking, toilet and .... These machines in some countries (including Iran) to the caravans famous. This car of the cars Class, van bulkier and with more features. This car can be a compilation of bus and truck, he said....
What is SPE ?
Sound Pattern of English
The pattern of phonetic English (briefly SPE) the name of the book on the phonology of the English language to pen Morris, junk foods and Noam Chomsky, which in 1968 was published. This book contains a comprehensive review phonemic in English and is also in the field of phonology and in the field, analysis of the English language, a milestone is considered to be....
What is ES ?
Evolution Strategy
Strategy evolution( abbreviated ES ) is an optimization method based on ideas of adaptation and evolution that is part of the algorithms and evolutionary computation evolutionary.
What is MUTEX ?
Mutual excusion
Monopoly cross-refer to the mutex algorithm is that in coding to avoid simultaneous use of shared resources such as variables Global is part of the computer code to which section critical is said to be goes to work. His division of the critical structure or algorithm for monopoly cross. A program, process, or clause (Thread) can be an Critical have without structure or algorithm that confer mutual monopoly of the implement does not have....