Today, Thursday، 6 Feb 2025 - 03:13

Acronym Finder

What is SOPA ?
Socialist Party of Azania
The Socialist Party (South Africa)...
What is SOPA ?
Schedule Of Proposed Actions
Program measures proposed...
What is SPF ?
Sun Protection Factor
BB Cream has factor protective sun...
What is SPC ?
Statistical process control Statistical Process Control
Control statistical processes, or SMS, Zune (SPC) in a manner practical and effective science-based Statistics said. that it in order to scout the processes by the chart control can be used to operate comes....
What is MPHIL ?
Master of Philosophy
The Phil (Master of Philosophy or M. Phil.) A degree research graduate school, which requires completion of a thesis. The proof in the general case, the stage between the master's and doctoral degrees....
What is CES ?
Consumer Electronics Show
CES, the largest exhibition of gadget and technology world....
What is COBIT ?
Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology
Set "goals, control over information and technology related", or COBIT, a set of Method to manage information technology, which is by the Association of control and audit systems (ISACA) and the governance of Information Technology (ITGI) in 1996 was created. COBIT for managers, auditors, and users of Information Technology, a set of , criteria, etc. processes and method acceptable to provide them increased profits resulting from the use of Information Technology and the development of control and Governance, information technology, help.

This framework to managers, auditors and users, this will allow Information Systems Technology, the better your understanding of their level of control and security required by your organization identify, and through the development of Model Governance, information technology, IT resources....
What is FER ?
Final Evaluation Report
Evaluation Report Final...