Today, Thursday، 6 Feb 2025 - 09:21

Acronym Finder

What is IM ?
International marketing
International marketing, etc. in the easiest level. the process in which a commercial company must be about mixed, your marketing beyond the borders of his country to make the decision. The most complex level of it, including the creation manufacturing unit, and coordinate the marketing strategy of the company across the world....
What is PFC ?
Power factor correction
The correction coefficient be the process of modulating the power factor from values smaller than 1 to values near 1. This process is possible during the transfer of electrical energy, and in the Post, change the voltage to be done as this way, conversion efficiency, voltage goes up. This process also in the Centers of consumption, particularly the industrial units are also trendy, because it is this way, aside from reducing the costs related to the provision of electrical energy costs corresponding to the chosen cable, and the feeding equipment is also reduced....
What is BSC ?
Bachelor of Science
A qualification at undergraduate level for courses completed is awarded, which is usually three to five years...
What is IMAO ?
In My Arrogant Opinion/In My Actual Opinion
Seems to me ...(for real or on the Vanity)...
What is آبفا ?
آب و فاضلاب
Wastewater to the survivor, and mainly liquid, local, municipal, or industrial called. The manner of collecting and it in each region, depending on the awareness of the local towards the environment is different. System of sewers for collecting surface water or sewage, in industrial complexes, Industrial is extremely important, because the influence of fluid to the depth of the soil can blow irreparable to the base and underground enter. Corrosion and rusting. rust and contamination of the soil of the most important reasons for collecting water and industrial wastewater .Pipes and fittings, PE anti-corrosion properties and resistance against a variety of chemicals is the perfect solution to collect and transfer fluid drainage....
What is LNG ?
Liquefied Natural Gas
Liquid natural gas (Liquid natural Gas) or LNG, or liquefied natural gas as another fuel alternative.In order to produce LNG, Gas, Natural make-up average approximate 2/327 - degrees Fahrenheit or 164 - in the world, Celsius, cold, and then to liquid conversion. Water, dioxide, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and compounds of sulfur, including the constituents of natural gas are the stages of conversion of gas to liquid, oxygen and ... carbon dioxide, water, and compounds of sulphur it is isolated and the amount of methane contained in the LNG to almost more than 98% of the reaches in which small amounts Ethan, etc. propane, and other hydro-carbon, more heavy there are also. In the gaseous state, energy compressed natural gas (CNG) in approximately 200 times the natural gas pressed, but in a state of liquid energy liquefied natural gas (LNG) in about 600 natural gas vs uncompressed) which is due to the costs of conversion of natural gas into a liquid and the conditions of its maintenance, the use of natural gas, the aforementioned economic't....
What is ABS ?
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Bureau of Statistics country Australia...
What is ITIL ?
Information Technology Infrastructure Library
ITIL name set of books, etc. experiences and recommendations from the UK government in the field of IT management....