Today, Tuesday، 25 Mar 2025 - 16:23

Acronym Finder

What is WED ?
World Environment Day
World Environment Day () is the fifth month of Zhou yen every year-a day chosen by the United Nations to increase people's time to protect the environment and to encourage politicians to make decisions to tackle environmental degradation and animal biological species. World Environment Day dates back to 1972, 49 years ago. This year, for the first time, the United Nations held a conference on humans and the environment in Stockholm, Sweden. At the same time as the conference, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that led to the formation of the United Nations Environment Programme (U). Since 1974, yen has held special ceremonies around the world to celebrate this day. The ceremony of this day can be into different shapes like street parades, conferences, cycling, view, racing, painting, and writing in the schools, planting trees, etc. activities related to Recycling, Inc. clearing.... The purpose of such ceremonies is to attract public attention to the mesa which creates the environment. Each year, one of the issues that seriously threatens the environment is chosen as the theme of the day....
What is THE ?
Times Higher Education
Times Heyer ejocation is a weekly magazine in the United Kingdom that is great for news and information. It is the leading magazine and the first magazine about higher education and higher education in the UK. The first issue of Times Magazine was published in October 1971....
What is MMPV ?
Medium Mine Protected Vehicle
All the PVC (MMPV) stands for the phrase "the Medium Mine Protected Vehicle" means vehicles protected against the Maine Black, normal) is a class of armored vehicles, which, by the land force of the United States of America produced a similar program that by the United States Army and Marine Corps of the United States of America seeks to be....
What is FALCON ?
DARPA Project HTV 3X X
The DARPA Falcon project is a two-stage joint project between DARPA (the organization for Advanced Defense Research Projects) and the US Air Force and part of the Rapid Global Offensive. One part of the program aims to develop the reusability of the supersonic weapon system fast thump which is now cruising as a means of supersonic cruising and another part to develop a launch system capable of accelerating the means of supersonic cruising to cruising speed، and also launch small satellites into Earth orbit. The two-part program was announced in 2003 and continued until 2006. The Falcon Subdivision program uses unmanned aircraft in the dimensions of a fighter that arose off the runway and increased speed to Mach 6 before completing the M and then returning to the airport. The blocksoft agreement, also known as -3, was signed in September 2007 between DARPA and the United States Air Force. The blocksvyn program did not receive the funding required for implementation and was cancelled in 2008. The new research under the Falcon program focused on the joint yen-41 aerial vehicle. A joint air platform for supersonic ICBMs and Crusoe missiles is also Al civilian andl El. On April 22, 2010, the first prototype -2 flew testing. On August 11, 2010 our second flight took place. Both flights ended prematurely....
What is MTCRE ?
MikroTik Certified Routing Engineer
Mikrotic routing and routing engineering...
What is WTI ?
West Texas Intermediate
West Texas Intermediate, also abbreviated as Yen, is a light oil used as a benchmark or indicator for oil pricing in global markets. The main reason for this nomenclature is that this light oil is mined in West Texas.< < >the price per barrel of oil for delivery in May 2020 in trading on global markets experienced its biggest daily fall, falling 316 percent to minus 39 and 55 cents, an unprecedented figure in history.the price of West Texas Intermediate oil is often included in reports on oil prices alongside the price of Brent crude from the North Sea. Other important oil markers include Dubai crude oil، Oman crude Ural oil and OPEC Reference Basket. West Texas Intermediate is lighter and sweeter, with less sulfur than Brent, and much lighter and sweeter than Dubai or Oman Oil. Brent crude oil and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) are the two most commonly used crude oil types and are used as a measure to determine oil prices. The main differences between these two types of crude oil are the location of extraction and composition...
What is SAT ?
Scholastic Assessment Test
S. E. T, which stands for the wordsl Al. It is one of two standardized examinations for university entrance in yenmerica, managed by the Bard College Institute, which is a non-governmental corporation. Bard College first started in 1901 and in 1926 held its first S. T. yen....
What is PMP ?
Project Management Professional
Expert project management stands for Project Management Professional is one of the certificate (credentials)that the project management institute to the people who needs it will have on the test associated with it, also accept their offer....