Today, Thursday، 6 Feb 2025 - 12:20

Acronym Finder

What is LMS ?
Learning Management System
Management system, learning
a bundle is that the process of distribution, including electronic, between students and students to management. More of these systems in terms of access at any where and at each time for web-based preparation have been. For? LMS, the possibility of registration, and the selection unit is to determine the activity of the educational and Taiwan assignments in an environment Online provides. In this website mentioned that LMS more comprehensive, the tools for the management of competence (competency management), the gap analysis skill (skills-gap analysis), planning, success (Exchange Planning), the confirmation of competency (certification) and assign resources (Resource Allocation)....
What is WFM ?
The World Federalist Movement
The movement of the follower rule the world one movement, universal citizenship, (members) and affiliated organizations throughout the world that in 1947 in Swiss foundation was swept....
What is RDF ?
Resource Description Framework
Their meat offering shall be f or framework for describing resources (RDF) is a tool graph of the circuit to display the concepts and the relationship between the objects and the features of them.
In simple language., the final F model kit based on the graph that it in order to describe internet resources (such as web pages and Messages, Mail) and also how to link these resources with each other comes into action....
What is @ ?
At Sign
@ (S) is one of the Unicode characters and also characters, the number 64 of the ski. The characters in the English language only as a sign in the mail for the separation between user name and domain is used, but in some European languages the meaning and applications, there is another side to the sample in Spanish and Portuguese, @ is one of the units of weight (called Aruba, about 16 kg).

The Sign @ In The Mail, officially strudel (meaning ) call, but when you tell an email address to it s (at) is said to be that the preposition, English is means\". side\".

but on the whole, can be the sign separating the user name from the location domain identifier . In the jargon of the internet to the sign (at sign) is said to be that meant (mark at). In fact, the service provider, the email services, the person specifies. For example, username@yahoo.com indicates that the name of the user username from the domain yahoo.com as the service provider, the email service has to be....
What is ® ?
Registered Sign
The mark,®, usually next to the name of the company and / or the logos and is used to this means that that company or logo is registered and if someone wanted to use it Commercial do, have regulations that are intended to check first....
What is ATT ?
In some cases, the word Attention for the stands (ATT) can be written, which means attention....
What is MP5 ?
Maschinenpistole 5
've 5 or the peer 5 name submachine gun 9 yards to build a factory Heckler and Koch of Germany. The peer the 5 stands for the German Maschinenpistole 5 means submachine gun, model 5....
This weapons in the 1960s, is designed, and so today, in the service of the Armed Forces. 've 5 one of the most widely used gun by today's world. In 1990, hacker and Koch plan to updates the 5, i.e., he is the peer's shipped build, although today still, both of these rifles are produced....