Today, Thursday، 6 Feb 2025 - 23:21

Acronym Finder

What is POV ?
Point Of View
A point of view shot (also known as POV shot, first-person shot or a subjective camera) is a short film scene that shows what a character (the subject) is looking at (represented through the camera). It is usually established by being positioned between a shot of a character looking at something, and a shot showing the character\'s reaction (see shot reverse shot). The technique of POV is one of the foundations of film editing....
What is VFD ?
Volunteer Fire Department
He f, VFD means the Volunteers of the fire department; or a group of people seemingly that are in Adventures of the kids unlucky are defined group he F, codes, and secrets have many that no book of the size of the lemony : a life the letter has not been approved from this group to give us clues not show.

in the year that orphan, yet who were not born and even their parents kids time being happen a large. group v. f.d was the group that the fire will turn off ... but with this great happening __ were divided into two categories. A group like prior to your work, i.e. put out the fire continued, but the other group began to roam and fire, (vigil). Sign member being in the group of v. f.d tattoos, one eye on the ankle left foot was and its motto in two groups, the good behind this slogan is:here the world is quiet ...

He f, must be members of the reading must be after the secrets and codes cope:

method of the message of this poem states that should place the words in the poems, instead, we and the message we.

method of Message Update with subtle is arranged. In this method, parts of the dialogue intended to change, and we friends now in my message desired to understand.

, password in letter writing are used. With the word "alarm" token starts, and the following words, with 10 words to among the kill the line.

method of encryption with the misspelling from the name, it turns out. Spelling errors with your together, are deploying to the word of the desired rank.

the encryption method and assets by means of equipment available in the fridge, the message will be true

The method post with cake message within a cake, embed, and not the person the desired effect...
What is کلپچ ?
کله پاچه
Stewing is a traditional dish that is in the Middle East and South Caucasus is common. Method cook it in different countries more or less the same in Iran and in Turkey, stewing, etc. in Arab countries, \"Beja\" (retrieved from \"panicked\" in Persian), in Bulgaria, panicked, and in the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) khāsh is called.

This food is very fatty and energetic. Those fats, high blood are or cholesterol and uric acid blood ballast, and suffering from gout. the use of stewing avoid. Stewing cook, the head and hands and feet, and inner organs of sheep (in the South Caucasus, the calf) can be prepared. The components of this dish include care of her, etc., language, brain, etc., etc., meat, face, and panicked. Unit counting stewing \"hands\" and each hand consists of a head and four panicked. Water this food as well as appetizers, along with bread be eaten.

stewing food is cook, it takes a lot of time. Stewing sometimes with lemon juice parlors.

stewing in Iran, usually in a restaurant, certain to the name of the head board or Cedar. Klee almost always work are. Raw materials the morning to hand looks. is it clean and ready to cook helps, and finally, from noon until tomorrow morning it bakes. Based on an old tradition of the night, the final month of Ramadan (23) and other sales of Colle becomes very high and more customers tend to buy stewing....
What is مخوال ?
مخابرات و الكترونيك
ك from telecom and electronic. for example:\" command \"! In any case, over time, Iranians, etc., telecom\'s equivalent of the\" trap ك ك\" were, but the Arabs,\" connections\" equivalent Allah, and yet also - the time to contacts us, and to our communications ( i.e. to two that we Persian speakers to work, he (s) only, and only, \" connections\" they say. In the meantime, the Arabs, etc., the organization of espionage is information and counter-information with your \" intelligence\" and \" contacts\" in the name of investment, they were synonymous and equivalent). However, from 1313 until now ( or, from 1934, this time ) And ... it traps at the beginning of each term to extend the ... refer to service Telecommunication or a device telecommunication there and did it, \" away\", The \" \", the \" acess away\" or \" away\". also so that some of the translators of our time. \" trap ك ك\"). under the literal translation, communication from the remote translation that have to have or because
telework outdoor telecontrol big telecommand mature telemedicine amateur telemeasurment outdoor education teleconferencing
and so on, respectively. work from far, far away. control from away, the away, I order, etc. ك, etc., measured, remote, distant education, and meeting remote, the equivalent of the Prophet....
What is گپار ?
گروه پشتيبانی اطلاعات رزمی
Group support, information, martial...
What is R&D ?
Research And Development
The so-called research and development or (R...
What is MC ?
Master Of Ceremonies
The chairman of the emcee (MC) to host, and the host of a formal event., the ceremony or program is said to be.

the first usage, this dictionary can be found in Catholic churches. Where in the religious ceremonies held in the church, a person to which MC said was the task of control and direct religious ceremonies responsible for.

This word, but in the world of hip-hop in the meaning of the New used was, though, this is the meaning of idiomatic and lexical meaning interact, and this relationship is one of the principles fixed in the science dictionary. In the late seventies was the so-called MC(in some answer to M. C) as for the Master of ceremonies went to work and, in fact, as a replacement for the word Rapper use. The MC of the opening lines of rhythmic and free style(ad lib) to introduce the DJ and ... the fun, keeping the audience or to the excitement of bringing them. Therefore, as a general in the definition of MC, it is said:

\"in hip-hop music, the meaning of the MC, artist, and singer who is usually, himself attempted to produce the music for his poems, a DJ that the responsibility for the mix-up tracks and run it in a party is different.\"

therefore, the term MC in first as equivalent for the Rapper went to work, which, of course, this application is still the most common usage of this word in the world of hip hop.

but how this word in this specific meaning enter the world of hip hop? a?

The question doesn't mention was the order of the compatible with your somebody be the responsibility of the Bureau of ceremonies, responsible for. Gone gone this term, refer to as plan to an artist the ability to specific and different in the office orgies, there are used went. And in the world of hip-hop artists like MC Hammer this title because of the implementation of the good that different was acquired. But later on, as an alternative, not only for rappers, strong, and prone in the Bureau of ceremonies, but also for any to the term rapper....
What is IMO ?
In My Opinion
This phrase in the chat or conversations internet, meaning (to my opinion) can be....