What is VIP ?Very Important Person
In ceremonies, festivals, airports, sports competitions and other gatherings, and public places is so common that the casual sector and place special for the important people or the owner of the name and position of Consider up from the reception special to act that comes to it a special section or a special place to be told. In some places, a section or a special place for everyone who is willing to be the price of the top of the input it will accept is attainable. A special place in cinema's lodges is also called.
for example, celebrities, sports, arts, etc. Governors, employers, policy-makers, in the process, the higher the rights of a grain, rich people in this category, place a fall or anyone else who for some reason has become important.
in countries where English is the language of this section, and these categories of people, the VIP (VIP) call, which stands for three words Very Important Person (very important person). VVIP (stands for Very Very Important Person) step higher than this....