Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 18:43

Acronym Finder

What is ID ?
Intelligent design
Intelligent Design (ID), or intelligent creation, idea that its supporters believe, the best explanation for the world and the creatures, assuming there's a reason smart researcher. and the world, it's so simple, not that created by nature.

proponents of this model say it should be existential, smart, on this world, surrounded. Intelligent design suggests that the world only with the evolution formed.

This model -this new argument order is - by a group of thinkers, non-academic, ago drawn. These thinkers believe that the empirical evidence of Science, Biology, and also the arguments of the math confirms the claims of its host. They, unlike the fans of the traditional creations to the occurrence of the changes are very minor creatures in length of time, Long, believe, and also to long life, the life in the Earth (not 6000 years that the Bible was acknowledged.

but what caused the reputation of fast and widespread this theory. activists pro and con the inclusion of this theory in the program, science lessons, schools, America, and then dragged the issue to court in 2005....
What is QSR ?
Quick Surface Reconstruction
Working environment (QSR) for the reconstruction of the fast and easy levels of the data output, cloud points are used. This environment, according to the type of form input, etc. several different methods for the reconstruction of the levels offers....
What is DSE ?
Digitized Shape Editor
Working environment (DSE) at the beginning of the cycle, reverse engineering, CATIA. This environment as a powerful tool for reading, entering, etc., apply different processes on the cloud points and generate the mesh used. The output of this environment can be used in environments, Quick Surface Reconstruction, etc. Digital Mock-Up, or Surface Machining to the work expected, or for different formats to be converted....
What is CT ?
Current Transformer
Transformers The flow of that so-called (CT), known to be in the network transmission used. In the network, the transfer of power due to high current and voltage, require sampling the flow from different parts of the network can be a reason to need a device we have called trans stream that two acts to perform for us.This type of trans, for the parallel compared to the network in the circuit are placed...
What is GMT ?
Greenwich Mean Time
Hours Greenwich phrase is the time in Greenwich, London, is said to be. This time not with hours Coordinated Universal confused. These two hours can 0. the 9 seconds difference. Both somehow the origin of the hours when the countries of the world....
What is TIFF ?
Toronto International Film Festival
The Toronto International Film Festival (Toronto International Film Festival, as the acronym TIFF) is a film festival uncompetitive, which is September of every year in Toronto, Canada., Ontario, Canada is held. This festival Thursday night after Labour Day (in Canada, the first Monday of September) begins, and up to ten days long. In each period, between 300 and 400 films at about 37 cinema in the central areas of Toronto are displayed....
What is EPS ?
Earning Per Share
EPS or earnings per share, an acronym for the term (earning per share). The concepts resulting from the words of the most fundamental principles of decision making in the stock market. In fact, this term represents the profits of the company in a fiscal period specified (e.g. a financial year) per share. For example, now EPS Cement Co. Fars and Khuzestan on behalf of the company for the current fiscal year 1801 rial is projected, which represents the allocation of find 1801 rial benefit to each share of the company....
What is OCRES ?
OMG Certified Realtime and Embedded Systems Speacialist
Certification specialist OMG for systems promptly and embedded...