Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 18:40

Acronym Finder

What is ZDF ?
Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen
Ran d f means the second TV Germany Channel TV, Germany is in the city of Mainz and those findings. The network as an independent agency, nonprofit is a contract shared between the states of Germany, has been established. The capital of the network by advertising and license, TV (GEZ) supply.

broadcast program for the first time from the town of Ashbourne, on the first of April 1963 began.First, program your own color in 1967.In 1974 this network to Mainz was transferred shortly after to the city of Wiesbaden transfer found....
What is LWR ?
Light Water Reactor
Reactor water known as reactors LWR, etc. is the most consumed type of industrial reactor, nuclear energy in the world.

the reactor is ordinary water (water) cool. and due to the high-pressure steam water reactors LWR, usually at high pressures of work. And since the neutron thermal abundance by water absorption. this type of reactor is usually uranium fuel, refueling. but also should not be so rich.

two types of reactor LWR nowadays in the world is used:
1 - reactor, a blue compact
2 - reactor blue effervescent...
What is RBMK ?
Reactor Bolshoi Moschnosti Kanalynyi
Reactor RBMK fabrication technology the countries of the former Eastern Bloc. An important feature of this reactor., the capability of refueling them on-line (online refueling). Of them for the production of plutonium can also be used. Reactors of the Chernobyl accident of this type.

in 2004, the 16 reactors of this type, 2 in Ukraine, and remained in Russia were located....
What is SBWR ?
Simplified Boiling Water Reactor
SBWR stands for Simplified Boiling Water Reactor. and instead of thrusters. of the gravity in the system of rotating fluid of your interest. This reactor construction, company, General Electric....
What is ABWR ?
Advanced Boiling Water Reactor
Reactor blue water advanced...
What is RT ?
Russia Today
News network Russia Today, a network of 24-hour news, is that English and Arabic program.

This is the news network that the company or him, the Novosti news agency, Novosti, Russia on December 10, 2005 was established, and through the satellites BADR 4 and. NILESAT 103 and НОТ BIRD 6 can be downloaded. The purpose of setting up this network, the news, express views and positions on topics of Global is declared....
What is GDI ?
Gasoline Direct Injection
In internal combustion engines, etc. direct injection gasoline, or GDI a species different from the fuel injection, which is used in modern engines two stroke and four stroke petrol is used. In engines, GDI, etc. of gasoline under high pressure placed through the rail joint fuel directly into the combustion chamber of each cylinder to be injected. But in injection multi-point fuel normal) spraying fuel in the manifold, the air, the back of the valve inlet or port of the cylinder occurs. In some cases, and. direct injection of gasoline is capable of combustion with the filling, layering was the combustion of very dilute) to improve the efficiency of fuel and reduce the level of emissions in the low load engine make....
What is ESP ?
Electronic Stability Program
Stabilization program electronic vehicle (make sustainability fit in the screw, the steep and slippery)