What is HR ?
Hertzsprung Russell diagram
at the beginning of the twentieth century. and Henry Norris Russell, the to a through, remove the distance at the resemblance, namely, based on the magnitude of the absolute time. graphing from a group of stellar preparation. It set up an axis as temperature and the other axis as absolute time. found that the marker points to the stars in this diagram, in a narrow strip rather than fall. This strip, the original strings can be read. In this graph can be seen that mostly the. stars luminous more hot trend, and the stars, , and. colder. The number of the stars. luminous than it stars the original strings that are the same temperature. Hence, the stars of exceptional to them, it is called, and the stars still luminous than it is to identify as. Some of the stars also, it stars the original strings that are the same temperature. This the stars. white dwarf. It is very small and the size of the planets.