Today, Saturday، 22 Feb 2025 - 19:35

Acronym Finder

What is USS ?
United State Ship
As the ships of war the American army...
What is IAEA ?
International Atomic Energy Agency
The International Atomic Energy Agency institutional independent in 1957 to promote the peaceful use, and prevent the military use of nuclear energy was established.

the agency, as an institution, independent and autonomous, established, and part of the United Nations or another organization is not, however, in the statute itself stated that their reports to the General Assembly and the Security Council of the United Nations offers.

the headquarters of the organization in Vienna, Austria, is meeting its current ' from Japan. The agency and the Director General of the time it's Mohamed ElBaradei in 2005 jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize. So far, 164 countries to join this organization accordingly.

proposed the establishment of this organization, to Dwight Eisenhower, the American president in his speech at the UN General Assembly (which, to speech Atoms for peace became known) in 1953 raised....
What is ناجا ?
نیروی انتظامی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
Police in Iran is that in the year 1370 solar combination police of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Gendarmerie of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the committee of the Islamic Revolution came into existence and now officially the main force responsible for maintaining the internal security of Iran....
What is IRIAF ?
Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force
The air force of the Islamic Republic of Iran (York)...
What is CCITT ?
Consulation Committe International Telegraph And Telephone
Advisory Committee, International Telegraph and telephone. Enterprise, which is organized by the United Nations has been established, standards for data communication will develop....
What is AISP ?
Association of Information Systems Professionals
In 1972 as the International word processing was established. AISP in the whole world member and have only in more than one area in the U.S. and Canadian parts into organized and active in the disposal. Membership in the organization for employees at the levels of specialized and professional, which is used in all aspects of information systems are handled....
What is AWC ?
Association for Women in Computing
Professional organizations and non-profit, etc., consisting of people who are into the processing of computer information are interested. Of its main objectives in addition to the development and progress of communication, training women in the field of computer....
What is ACH ?
Association for Computers and the Humanities
ACH an international organization that incentives research in Language Studies, literary, historical, anthropological, and social science to help the computer and its use in the creation and study of art, music, and dance....