Today, Friday، 7 Mar 2025 - 05:42

Acronym Finder

What is IBI ?
Iran Banking Institute
Higher Institute of banking of Iran in the year 1342 by central banks, National and Spa was established. Students of the institute after three years to obtain a basic Bachelor's in the science Bank, which approved by the Ministry of Science and higher education. the hands ' it is. The Institute of banking of Iran in 1358, at the University of Allameh Tabatabai was merged and continued his political activities....
What is ICCP ?
Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals
The Institute for certification of professionals calculations...
What is ICCE ?
International Conference on Computers in Education
The International Conference on computers in education...
What is ICCA ?
Independent Computer Consultants Association
Association of independent consultants, PC...
What is ANWB ?
Algemene Nederlandse Wielrijders Bond
Band Automobile Association, the Netherlands...
What is UN ?
United Nations
United Nations, International Enterprise, which in 1945 was established and replaced the league of nations. This organization, by 51 countries, was established in the year 2011., the 193 member states. Members, it includes almost all the countries are independent can be that in terms of international recognition have been. Just the Vatican, that membership in the organization in Iran is China National (Taiwan) that accession talks should continue after the membership of the people's Republic of China, canceled, UN member states are not....
What is WTO ?
World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization (WTO) an international organization; that the rules of global trade regulation and disputes between the members to resolve. Members of the World Trade Organization, countries are that the agreement (about 30 agreements) and the organization have signed. The headquarters of the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Up to November 2010, 153 countries members of this organization have been. The Republic of Cape Verde is now the newest member of the organization is considered to be....
What is ALA ?
American Library Association
The American Library Association...