Today, Monday، 24 Feb 2025 - 08:51

Acronym Finder

What is PRO ?
PRO stands for and concise the PROTEIN. The test for measurement of protein content of serum ك. From follows that in the serum, the number of a variety of protein there, and every one related to particular is, therefore, to determine the type of protein referred to had test other name protein ك will be done to determined that increase or decrease related to which type of protein serum....
What is ARTE ?
Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne
Arte (ARTE., the abbreviation for French Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne) network French-German, which is a major activity of those involved in the field of culture and art. This network yourself as the network of European culture describes and aims to increase the quality of the program, especially in the sectors of cultural and artistic expression. The central office of the network in Strasbourg in France. installation in Issy near Paris, and Baden-Baden in Germany....
What is MPT ?
Ministry of Post & Telecommunication
The organization of the Ministry of post and telecommunications...
What is GAIT ?
GSM ANSI-41 Interoperability Team
GAIT, etc. teams within the organization, Empower the GSM / ANSI - 136, a group composed of operators, GSM / TDMA, North America, consortium Communications wireless world ( UWCC ). They standard it created that roaming seamlessly between GSM networks and TDMA makes it possible ( to the standard GAIT is also called ) . TDMA - ANSI and GSM, two of the three digital technology major for the network and mobile are CDMA ( technology is another ) . The driving force and the rate of this standard, the fact that the two main operator United States - cingular Wireless AT T v – any two networks, their technology TDMA to GSM data transfer . Them during the transition period, simultaneously from both types of network were used . So having a phone that has integrated the two type of network work is beneficial . Standard GAIT include upgrades to the network and also the new phones \" GAIT \". With both of them, roaming and features such as voice mail and message this SMS text in any type of network is integrated and the transition for users easier . Technology GAIT, etc. seamlessly transition between TDMA and GSM do not provide . For example, if a region of TDMA to the area of GSM ( like a highway ) move to the contact that is going on, etc. the drop can't find . Without GAIT, while the GSM network are not able to SMS access, Turkish, and vice versa....
What is UREA ?
Uganda Renewable Energy Association
Porn, renewable energy, Uganda...
What is BPM ?
Business Process Management
Manage the process of trading includes concepts, etc. knowledge and ... techniques for design, monitoring and ... configuration, implementation, and analysis of business processes. These processes include people, organizations, systems, and other sources of information....
What is CEPT ?
European Post offices and Telecommunication
Post offices and Telecommunications of Europe...
What is فرا ?
فعالان رسانه های دیجیتال انقلاب اسلامی
Assembly operatives, information technology, and digital media of the Islamic Revolution...