Today, Monday، 23 Dec 2024 - 21:50

Acronym Finder

What is NFPA ?
National Fire Protection Act
The National Association of protection against fire...
What is ICFI ?
Iran Cultural Fairs Institute
The Institute of exhibition, cultural, Iran, in line with the policy of the Ministry of culture and Islamic Guidance, which states on the promotion of a culture of the book and ك between the different classes of society, acting on battles exhibitions in the International Book Tehran, Iran exhibition of the book, provincial and exhibitions in the miscellaneous and case other has.

the battles providing constant supervision, one of the most important event of the cultural in the country to be considered. This exhibition is a place for interaction of ideas and The that between different classes of culture and place that in it cortex, producing, consumption manufacturer and distribution manufacturer the culture of the desires and expectations of each other's knowledge and find....
What is ITSR ?
Institute for Trade Studies and Research
Institute for trade studies and research on the implementation of material 13 and 16 of the law of Centers for preparation and distribution of goods approved in the meeting dated 20/2/1359 Assembly of the revolution, C.This.Iran, for an unlimited period was established.
The purpose of the establishment of the Institute for trade studies and research, etc. conduct research, collect statistics and information, publishing information business and do the research necessary to analyze issues of economic, social - commerce, domestic and foreign....
What is IICHS ?
Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies
Institute for Iranian contemporary historical studies (IICHS), in the year 1365 with the name Institute for research and Studies Cultural with the benefit of documents to a more substantial, that after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in that this center was formed. Since that is one of the fundamental, the most basic of knowledge of the documents of the survivor rests., Institute of contemporary history of Iran in the preservation, supply and publication of the cultural heritage and also create a condition conducive to the direction of the research of the trying and striving to work the clamps. The territory of studies of the institute is limited to the contemporary history of Iran is that the developments of the centenary of the 18 to 20, originated in Iran in the Islamic Awakening....
What is WRI ?
Institute of Water Research
Institute for Water Research (WRI) as one of the activists study and research in water and wastewater industry, having two research institute in Tehran, and four the National Center for research – research in the cities Tehran, Iran., Yazd and Shiraz, Iran is trying to use the experts and specialists of the section of related to this industry, and embed the space right in the upload to experimental to build learned the theory, the purpose of doing research, background commercial storage in organizations and institutions, the research says....
What is IDER ?
Institute for Development and Economic Research
Institute for development and Economic Research in the year 1339, with the aim of doing research, theoretical and applied, and providing the appropriate fields for research in the problems of the economy, Iran, the economy, and theoretical topics in International Economics and countries in the region, and to train specialists, etc. with the name of the Institute for Economic Research and headed by Dr. Hossein (father of Economics) in the Faculty of law and political science and economic, University of Tehran was established, and then in October 1346, the independence of the Faculty of economics of the Faculty of law and Political Science Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran, transfer found....
What is IRIPP ?
Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection
Research Institute country...
What is IIES ?
Institute for International Energy Studies
The Institute of studies of International Energy (IIES), in the year 1370 established in the year 1375 succeeded in obtaining a license, research institute studies, international of energy of the Ministry of science, research and Technology, respectively. This institute to the Ministry of Petroleum of the Islamic Republic of Iran is dependent. The Institute for International Energy as a centre for research and room think of time established so far, has been able to position their right in international and domestic).