What is ZAB ?
Zukunfts Agentur Brandenburg
in ZAB, depending on the specific goals of each degree., the professionals several responsible for the detection and confirmation of the documents are foreign. Organs and officials of several possible ZAB request an expert assessment about for general information about a country and educational system it. to. This information about the educational system, Foreign through the database “anabin” is also available.
ZAB at the request of holders of Qualifications, Graduate, reputation and certificates, compare pussies about the conditions of higher education in foreign export markets. This certificate to employers in Germany, and employment agencies in Germany helps the evaluation of qualifications Excellent overseas Germany they facilitate. Especially immigrants who wish to work in Germany are from this service benefit are, because apart from this, no reference to the jurisdiction of another for the purpose of evaluation and recognition responsibly, qualifications in Germany there is not.