Today, Tuesday، 28 Jan 2025 - 07:25

Acronym Finder

What is SUK ?
Subsidy Unlock Key
The key to unlocking mobile phone...
What is E ?
E in the mobile network ( EDGE / EGPRS ) a-complete for networks GSM Generation 2 and Generation 2.5 and JP RSS is that work posted to it by the existing network of the current GSM easy. EDGE/EGPRS is a excellent collection for JP RSS is and can be on any network that JP RSS on it developed work. just to update, The service provider needs.

although the EDGE does not need to change in hardware and software central network, GSM no, but base stations (BTS) have Edit are. The transmission provider consistent with the EDGE must be installed and the infrastructure of base stations (BSS) have support for EDGE to get up. Mobile phone that technology EDGE support also is needed....
What is ارس ?
اپلیکیشن رمز ساز
In order to increase the security system of the bank and reduce the hazards related to the second card, the bank transaction, the internet, etc. the application (Aras) in the bank De has been launched.

with the installation and activation of K (Oras) on your mobile phone, you can in the doorways, the distance (port, internet payment, internet bank, mobile bank, etc.) instead of the password, the second card, the password, the second disposable that through the app, Juniper receive. The duration of validity of the password generated by the application of Aras is limited (one minute) and the possibility of reuse of it does not exist....
What is TTS ?
Text To Speech
Text-to-speech, which know that TTS is a program that input text to the human voice can sing.

This type of program to convert text to audio records (audio book), The pronunciation of words in a software dictionary, reading, computer screen, and also smart phone, especially for users who are blind by software screen reader is used. Also in systems, the phone contacts and also ATM, the direction of the communication spoken by the user is used.

it should be noted that the term "text to speech" to refer to two different concept is used:

A) engine, text-to-Speech (Text-to-Speech engine)

b) player text-to-Speech (Text-to-Speech player)

that the task of converting text to speech in the background, responsible for engine text-to-speech is and player, text-to-speech user interface for entering text and getting the sound output or save in the form of records, audio, provides. In order to avoid ambiguity, usually engine text-to-speech called (Speech-synthesizer) is called from the other side of the player, text to speech, especially in users videos, computer text-to-speech is called. However, it should be noted supported languages, speech and quality of sound, related to engine text speech is and a Engine text to speech programming interface (API) to easily software the various (player, text-to-speech) callable and use....
What is IGTV ?
InstaGram Television
Instagram allows playing longer videos in the IGTV offers. While IGTV as a standalone app available is basic functionality also in the app Instagram, and the Website is available.

This service by the institute, the former Instagram Kevin launched at Live event in San Francisco on June 20, 2018 was introduced.
What is ADB ?
Android Debug Bridge
Android software development is the process by which new applications are created for devices running the Android operating system. Google states that Android apps can be written using Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages using the Android software development kit (SDK), while using other languages is also possible. All non-JVM languages, such as Go, javascript, C, C++ or assembly, need the help of JVM language code, that may be supplied by tools, likely with restricted API support. Some languages/programming tools allow cross-platform app support, i.e. for both Android and iOS. Third party tools, development environments and language support have also continued to evolve and expand since the initial SDK was released in 2008. In addition, with major business entities like Walmart, Amazon, Bank of America etc. eyeing to engage and sell through mobiles, mobile application development is witnessing a transformation....
What is VOLTE ?
Voice over LTE
Sound on technology, the evolution of long-duration or sound on the El or penetration, briefly (VoLTE) is a standard high-speed wireless communication for mobile phones and terminals data ... which based on IP network multimedia subsystem (IMS) to a mobile profile are special for control, and maps, media, voice over LTE, which, by the GSM Association, or GSMA in PRD IR.92 defined. This approach results in the voice services (map, control, and media) as the flow of data within the data carrier LTE can do. This means that no dependency to maintain (or need) the legacy network audio will. VoLTE to three times more capacity than voice and data 3G UMTS and up to six times more than 2G GSM capable. In addition, it, broadband, got, keeps, because that header packages VoLTE are smaller than those in the VoIP/LTE optimization is not used....
What is DND ?
Do Not Distrub
The annoying don't - this phrase, more in the smart phone can be seen.
using this option, you can phone your set, which, what time someone is annoying, you do not ( i.e., call, alarm, cell phone for silent used )....