Today, Saturday، 29 Mar 2025 - 11:14

Acronym Finder

What is TSH ?
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
The hormone driving the thyroid or TSH, which means the cells of the anterior pituitary secretion, can be, in control of the thyroid function plays a pivotal role and have the most useful markers of physiological activity of thyroid hormone. The main factor determining the set point on the axis of the thyroid hormone TSH is. The secretion of this hormone by hormone thyrotropin or TRH can be regulated. TRH is the major stimulus synthesis and secretion of TSH is. Almost 15 minutes after administration of TRH the rate of secretion of TSH reaches its maximum. Reduced levels of thyroid hormone increase the production of the base TSH and intensify the stimulatory effect of TRH on TSH can be. Increase the level of thyroid hormone is also rapidly and directly TSH inhibits, as well as the stimulatory effect of TRH on TSH and inhibit the work. This suggests that the thyroid hormone is the main factor regulator of the production of TSH are. Such as other hormones , etc. TSH for profiles used in tea secreted and the amount of its secretion in different hours of a day is different. The maximum amount of secretion of this hormone at night, when The occur, and because fluctuating hormone TSH is mild a load, measure it, to assess the amount of hormone in the blood circulation is sufficient.

hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland has a direct influence on the incidence of infertility is, therefore, investigate the causes of these disorders at the beginning of the infertility treatments are essential and important. To consider doctors thyroid disorders of the most common disorders of the glands, especially in women with both obvious and hidden. About one to two percent of the causes and problems of fertility and low fertility in women related to the problems of the glands, including the thyroid gland. Disorders of the thyroid gland in males also puberty cause short stature or delay of puberty in youth, causing disability, sex, but overall, its prevalence in men much less than women....
What is GH ?
Growth Hormone
Growth hormone (GH) is a hormone of the anterior part of the pituitary gland. Growth hormone or building protein....
What is HSP ?
Heat Shock Protein
Proteins of thermal shock to the total protein that is said to be that in conditions of stress in the cells, the expression can be the role of these cells prevent the change proteins under factors of stress. The proteins in all living cells in the status of the attached or non-attached to the proteins there are. The location of these proteins in the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the cell. Proteins HSP as molecular processes are numerous, such as folding proteins, the accumulation and transfer of them, the pedestrians, peptides, and process antigen, under conditions of physiological stress play a role.Protein expression of HSP by several types of stressors, such as fever, alcohol, inflammation, etc., stress, oxidative, etc., heavy metals, and also the circumstances that caused the injury and can be induced as a result. Protein, HSP, to of hydrophobic the poly-peptides are connected and cause changes they are, and on the other hand, empowers avoid the creation of peptides, the folding wrong). Proteins related to glucose (GRPs)sets the secondary of protein, stress can be that, simply, under conditions of heat shock or stress, oxidative induction are not, the proteins in the network there....
What is LDL ?
Low Denisty Lipoprotein
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, the kind which are el, El (LDL) is also known.

this category of lipoproteins, cholesterol to tissues outside the liver transfer.

values of the serum too this fats direct relationship with the incidence of disease heart....
What is RBC ?
Red Blood Cell
. red blood cell or (RBC), the most common type of cells is blood and in the body of vertebrates, the main role of delivering oxygen to the lungs (or gills) to the tissues of the. game.

red blood cells coin-like(concave completed that satisfies both), but small and lacking core and other women. Therefore, the only source for the supply of its energy in the process of glycolysis. In natural conditions its diameter, to an average of 7٫5 micron can . If the cell size smaller than 6 microns and if larger than 9 Micron. called. The presence of red with different sizes in the blood (Anisicytosis) and their presence with various forms in the blood Powai (Poikilocytosis) call, which in a state of morbid can be seen. The number of red in the natural state in women\'s blood 3 of 6 to 5. the 5 million, and in the blood of Men, 4. the 1 to 6 million currently. The volume ratio of blood cells to whole blood based on % hematocrit). This ratio in healthy men and women and adult, respectively, equal to 45-35, and 50-40 percent.

cytoplasm red sponge has been by means of the membrane significant rebound surrounded, these cells can change shape and give of the capillaries, the narrow pass.

within the cytoplasm of blood cell pigment called hemoglobin, there is a protein iron. Red blood cells by hemoglobin in the places where the density of oxygen is too much, the iron with oxygen, combined, and oxy-hemoglobin make and where the density of oxygen to be decomposed and release oxygen. This property of hemoglobin in the displacement of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and very beneficial. Life span of each RBC is about four months. After this period the blood cells in the liver is decomposed, and the iron contained in the liver Reserve can red blood cell and its life of 120 days....
What is VHS ?
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia
Disease bleeding muzzle of viral diseases in (Trout) is

disease planning the muzzle (VHS) is a disease is seasonal, that the severest epidemic it in the late winter and early spring, when the water level goes up.

This disease is a contagious disease it is known that the rise and its prevalence in an institution, education, fish, usually in the wake of entering the fish, the trout, the viability of an institution infected, the other can be seen.

based on the observations of several years of specialists, disease, fish, shape for this condition is defined as: acute and. chronic and nervous
What is IHN ?
Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis
Disease, corruption, sector, hematopoietic (IHN) is a viral disease in (Trout).

the agent create the disease of the group ,∗. The disease, first from the north western USA, in waters with a temperature below 15 degrees Celsius, have been reported in Iran, probably in Fars province and adjacent provinces have been reported.

external signs of the disease include: protrusions, etc. expansion of the abdomen combined with the water ., the condensation of the blood at the base of the fins, boobs, bikini, spiral and blur the colors.

interior signs it also includes: pallor organs, and the bowel of fluids stained to the color of the bile....
What is IPN ?
Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis
Corruption, infectious pancreatic of viral diseases in (Trout).

the agent create the disease, RNA virus, which is closely associated with the Reovirus, and more recently it in viruses classification. Identification and diagnosis of the disease-mediated symptoms, external and Internal is possible that the external signs which include anorexia and weight loss, lethargy and anemia, darkening of the color, swollen belly, etc. protrusions, and the lack of balance and rotation in swimming. From interior signs of this disease can either be to the filling tube digestive tract of mucus, white and pallor of the spleen and liver noted.

other viral diseases of salmon can also be diseases of the following named:

1 - disease, necrosis, skin, etc. or injured (UDN)

2. infection caused by contamination with the herpes

3 - disease necrosis red blood cell viral (VEN), or disease tissue a bruise red blood cells fishes (PEN)...