Today, Sunday، 23 Feb 2025 - 07:14

Acronym Finder

What is RR ?
Relative Risk
Relative risk in performing the medical tests...
What is IF ?
Immuno Fluorescence
Immuno-fluorescence (I. F)
I. F technique, which is new with antibodies chemically to fluorescent paint to identify the patient used....
What is TNG ?
Tri Nitro Glycerine
TNG name drug called Terry nitroglycerin, anti-angina. (A sample of birth control pills, sublingual)...
What is NPO ?
Nil Per Os
NPO stands for Nil Per Os (Nothing by Mouth) means to refrain from eating food by mouth and only drinking fluids for a patient....
What is BC ?
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is one of cancer, is common. According to the calculations of the National Institute of cancer, United States of America, any eight, one person in your life with breast cancer. This cancer in the event that timely diagnosed, easily treatable.

In case of being focused on the cancerous tissue, usually a combination of surgery (), a chemotherapy, and radiotherapy is used. Mammography is also in the diagnosis of the disease plays a central role.

the international symbol to raise awareness about breast cancer, pink ribbon....
What is ECG ?
Electro Cardio Graphy
Electrocardiogram or electrocardiogram to chart the recorded changes in electrical potential caused by excitation of the heart muscle is said to be. Usually with the abbreviation, ECG or EKG is determined.

different parts of an electrocardiogram:
device , the chart on the paper tape the line drawing that has special this is steadily the recording does. The information that the electrocardiogram recording, can be indicative of the waves of electrical stimulus of the heart. These waves display different stages provocations cardio.

the curve that gets plotted "electrocardiogram" is called. Doctors can use this curve to how to practice the heart, the wake of the blackout. Each curve consists of three wave. P wave the electrical activity of the atria in. wave, QRS, the electrical activity of the ventricle and T wave resting of the ventricles of the show....