Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 01:49

Acronym Finder

What is BPP ?
Biophysical Profile
Fetal health assessments are one of the most important concerns of mothers and fathers. Many tests are carried out in this regard regarding the possibility of various problems. One of these tests is a biophysical embryonic profile. The iodine test is one of the prenatal tests that evaluate the condition of the fetus in iodine. In this test, the fetal heart rate (by stress-free test or iodine) and ultrasound of the fetus are used to assess the heart rate ، breathing movements، muscle tone and fluid level meniotic. Then the results of iodine and ultrasound are intertwined and the score of each fetus is determined. > < < > biophysical profile is a simple and painless test performed during pregnancy to assess the health of the fetus. Especially to ensure that the fetus receives enough oxygen iodine from the erus. This iodine test is often performed when the due date of delivery has passed. Also, if you have a high-risk pregnancy this the test can also be done in the third trimester....
What is SIS ?
Saline Infusion Sonography
Ultrasonography can provide an image of the erus and possible fibroid or polyps. Saline or gel inside the erine cavity will make the ultrasound picture clearer. This method of ultrasound is called saline (iodine; iodine). Usually this picture is just two-dimensional. Nowadays, it is possible to create a three-dimensional image so that the type of anomaly can be better seen....
What is TUMT ?
Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy
Microwave thermotherapy through the urethra and into (uu) is one of the most effective and safe urological operations used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Microwave thermotherapy through the urethra provides a one-time efficient treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. This is an alternative treatment for drugs such ASUENTAGONISTSU and prostate removal or prostatectomy. < < > microwave thermotherapy through the urethra is a non-surgical treatment that can be performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Treatment consists of inserting a special microwave urinary catheter into the urethra and in the place of the enlarged prostate. The microwave is placed inside the catheter and then the microwave emits radiation to heat and destroy the surrounding prostate tissue.< < > the procedure can take from 30 minutes to an hour and is well tolerated by patients. After the procedure-the prostate tissue will swell and irritate. The urologist often prevents the patient's urinary retention by inserting a foley catheter. After 3 to 5 days the Foley can be replaced with a temporary prostate stent, which is to improve urination without exacerbating the symptoms of inflammation.

the main risks thermography, microwave through the urethra (TUMT) include:
- retention of urine
- infection
- pain in the region of the urinary-genital.< < > evidence has shown that microwave thermotherapy operations through the urethra have been welcomed by patients more than urethral prostate scraping operations.fortunately, the recovery period after treatment is relatively quick and according to and the average recovery time is less than 5 days of rest at home. However, microwave thermotherapy through the urethra can lead to urinary retention....
What is IGRT ?
Image Guided Radiation Therapy
IPhone a müzik (IGRT) stands for Image-guided radiation therapy is the literal meaning therapy (radiotherapy), under the guidance of the picture

the order is a method in which the computer to create an image of the tumor used to be the beam of radiation during radiotherapy directed. These images are made using ultrasound radiography (or other imaging methods. Radiation therapy can be used more precisely using the procedure and apples to healthy tissues can be reduced....
What is SSSS ?
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
Syndrome skin planning developer (Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome; the abbreviation: SSSS or 4S) is a skin disease that by Staphylococcus aureus can be created.< < > the disease appears with the massive formation of fluid-filled blisters that have thin walls and tear easily، and the patient's examination for Nikolsky's sign can be positive. Ritter's disease is the most severe form in infants, with similar symptoms and symptoms. it often involves a widespread painful erythroderma that often affects the face the diaper site and other areas where the two parts of the skin collide. There may be large areas of skin flaking. Skin fluttering around the mouth and Fissure can be seen in the early period. Unlike toxic epidermal necrolysis-protects the mucous membranes. It is more common in children under 6 years of age، but it is found in adults with immunosuppression or kidney failure. < < > is a clinical diagnosis. This is sometimes triggered by the isolation of Staphylococcus aureus from blood mucous membranes or a skin biopsy. However، these are often negative. A skin biopsy may reveal a detachment of the superficial layer of the epidermis (intra-epidermal separation) that distinguishes SSSS from.in separation occurs at the dermo-epidermal junction. Distinguish SSSS from toxic epidermal necrolysis and paschular psoriasis is difficult.< < > the main treatment for supportive care along with primary infection eradication. Conservative measures include reintroduction.antipyretics (e.g. ibuprofen or acetaminophen) thermal burn management and stabilization. injectable biotics for the coating of Staphylococcus aureus should be administered. Most strains of Staphylococcus aureus that in SSSS role has penny are, so to penicillin are resistant to ... therefore, treatment with , etc. or vancomycin is typically required to be given. Sometimes clindamycin is also used due to the inhibition of exotoxins. < r>pre - is excellent in children and resolves within 10 days of treatment without a significant scar. However It must be carefully distinguished from toxic epidermal necrolysis which has a bad precedent. Foregoing is generally much worse in adults and depends on various factors such as treatment time، host safety and cell diseases.the clinical features of the disease were first described in 1878 by Baron Gottfried Ritter von rittershein, who observed 297 cases among children in an orphanage in Czechoslovakia over a period of 10 years.

in 1885, etc., Neil and in 1894, etc. Clement, Ducos, a disease superfoods that thought somehow rubella is was described, but in 1900, etc. Ducos it as a separate disease identified with the name of the disease, Ducos, etc. disease or disease, the fourth, became known. Although Dux identified en as a separate disease It seems en is no different from Scarlet Scarlet caused by staphylococcal exotoxin. Then in 1979, Keith Powell suggested that the disease was equivalent to a condition now known as staphylococcal peeling syndrome....
What is MERCI ?
Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia
Retrievers with The iPhone or retriever with The IP (stands for Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia) is a medical device which is used to treat ischemic stroke is designed. MERCI by the University of California, Los Angeles in 2001, the design was the first device that was in the United States to remove the blood clots in patients with ischemia, acute brain was confirmed....
What is WEBINO ?
Wall Eyed Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Paralysis of ocular between the core and:: Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, which for the summary, etc. INO can be written., the irregularities in the motion simultaneously the two eyes in which the eyes are damaged to the axis of the face, not near, in other words, to the inside, or move very little or not at all does not move. The opposite eye can move outward, but it will be accompanied by Dodo yenek. The divergence of the two-eye path ultimately causes double vision. This means that when the right eye is sick, the person sees two when looking to the left. The coherence of the eyes is generally preserved.< < > a lesion among the brain can cause a change in the convergence center of the binocular axis, resulting in the axis of the individual's eyes diverging, which is called en WEBINO. This means that each eye is looking at one of the two walls in front of each other.< < > if the lesion is in the longitudinal fibers of the brainstem or in the center of the brain Bridge, one and a half syndromes (a kind of Apple in both eyes) occur. As a result, all horizontal movements of both eyes are inconsistent.< < > this problem can be caused by a disturbance or in the "internal longitudinal fibers" (l El). The medial longitudinal fibers are heavily covered with myelin sheaths, causing a connection between the "PP -nucleus of the sixth brain nerve" opposite side with the "nucleus of the third brain nerve" which is responsible for the movements of the eyes. In younger patients, this problem usually occurs due to MS and in older people, it usually occurs as a result of stroke. Of course, the presence of other factors in the occurrence of this problem is not unexpected....
What is PNMT ?
Phenylethanolamine N-MethylTransferase
Phenylethanoline N-methyltransferase, abbreviated (PNMT) is an enzyme that is naturally found in the brain of the adrenal gland. This enzyme converts norepinephrine to epinephrine....