Today, Monday، 24 Feb 2025 - 05:03

Acronym Finder

What is HGP ?
Human Genome Project
The Human Genome Project: projection mapping and sequencing the entire human genome, the first time in 1984 at a conference in Alta, Uta title. Security part of the budget of this project to the Department of energy, the U.S. assumed, and in 1988 Congress officially run project genome human of the year 1991 for 15 years passed. This year National Health USA (NIH) as well as for the implementation of the plan declaration of readiness. Soon, the countries of England, France, Germany, and Japan also contributed to the project joined. In 1998, the organization of the genome in human (HUGO) was created....
What is GCSF ?
Granolocyte Colonization Stimulating Factor
Stimulating factor granulocytes...
What is APA ?
American Academy of Pediatrics
Medical Academy of Pediatrics, the American (APA) in the year 1930 by 35 pediatricians to work on the standards of children's health was created. The Academy now boasts of 60,000 members in the sector, primary care and Section, a subset of it. Specialists in diseases of children can be a member of this academy.

Medical Academy of Pediatrics, American in the state of Illinois is located, and an office also in Washington, DC there are 390 employees on health and diseases, pediatric work....
What is WBC ?
White Blood Cell
Blood cell, white blood (cells the body\'s defenses)

White () or blood cells (W. B. C) from cells in the blood are. the white part of the safety device body are the body from infectious diseases to be protected. , unlike , core, and animated. In the adult human white in the bone marrow, sternum, and pelvis iliac crest and skull are made (in children moreover, in the bone tube, hands) and in the blood, are. white, then in the bone marrow, and thymus, \"learn\", that is exactly what the type of the task of Defense and are responsible for what insiders and what a guest (the enemy) are considered.

the causes of its decline are:
diseases associated with bone marrow and defects in the immune system, infection, HIV (HIV), lack of elements, copper and zinc and so decreases the number of blood cells white blood.

the causes of the increase, it\'s:
infection, particularly infections that cause the bacteria and virus. inflammation. allergies, cancer, blood, stress, and physical activity, heavy of the factors that can increase blood cells, white blood.

blood cells whites includes a variety are each for the defense of the body against several factors, the task played live, and include:
neutrophils (Neutrophils), the lymphocytes(Lymphocytes), the monocytes (Monocytes), the eosinophil (Eosinophils)and low viscosity(Basophils). in the report of the experiment thirty times in the bottom of the WBC (number of blood cells, white) amount and percentage of the inserts....
What is FSL ?
FMRIB Software Library
F SSL or FSL Name box, Isar, software (a set of software analytical) is that, for the applications of brain research in the sciences of medical imaging is made.
This is a software suite that IS group modeling center of the imaging functional brain (FMRIB) at Oxford University is designed for environments Linux written and need to install a virtual machine to setup in a Windows environment....
What is FMRI ?
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Imagery functional magnetic resonance, etc. name a method of imaging in MRI.
In this method, the images alternate from your brain activity, then at rest, can be taken, and the other is digital (via software like FSL) add, subtract, or another, make sure that the processing performance of the brain, in effect, changes the flow of blood in the brain in terms of physiological implies....
What is NC/CAH ?
Noncleassical Congentional Adrenal Hyperplasia
Hyperplasia adrenal...
What is LIDDLE test ?
Low-dose Dexamethasone suppression test
Test dexamethasone suppression for detection and distinction among different types of Cushing's syndrome...