Today, Monday، 24 Feb 2025 - 05:01

Acronym Finder

What is TSS ?
Toxic Shock Syndrome
TSS, toxic shock syndrome, etc. diseases rare, but very serious that may lead to death. Cause it's the toxins produced from the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, which is usually in the nose and vagina can be found.
TSS can be in men, women and children created. About half of the observed cases of this disease during menstruation women and girls. The use of tampons can cause ـ TSS during menstruation. The probability of the occurrence of this disease in young girls and women under 30 years of more. Detection and prompt treatment of this disease would be important.

TSS can be at any time of the menstrual cycle or shortly after its completion occur. The disease can quickly progress and create symptoms similar to influenza the beginning and to the deadly disease lead.
in the following list of signs warning of disease, TSS, you see, but all these symptoms may manifest not:

fever, sudden severe, usually above 39 degrees
feel the flu
throat pain
red skin like a sunburn
muscle pain
swoon when fit rise up
scaling is also possible in the later stages of disease occur....
What is CRH ?
Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone
Adjust the secretion of cortisol, a hormone, a corticotropin (CRH) is the hypothalamic secretion and increasing the secretion of the hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary. The secretion of this hormone polypeptide, thereby increasing blood levels of cortisol. Increased secretion of this hormone causes Cushing's disease, and reduce the secretion of it causes secondary failure of the adrenal. from precursors (pre-POMC) synthesis, is its Half-Life is ten minutes.
often seek to reduce the level of glucocorticoids or increase the body's need in cases such as stress, looking to increase the secretion of hormones, hypothalamic hormones, a corticotropin (CRH) is a hormone (ACTH) from the anterior part of the pituitary.
What is RTI ?
Reproductive Tract Infections
Reproductive tract infections ( RTI ) may be related to men or women. It is also possible different areas of the genital to both sexes, such as,, ETC. neck of the uterus. uterus. the pelvis, prostate, epididymis, and conduit involved . Sometimes of the urinary tract like the bladder and urinary tract are also involved. The most important complaint of patients depends on the area involved, for example, itching of the genital area and increase discharge, vaginitis, common. Sometimes, burning urine, etc. , etc. disorders of menstruation. the pain also. On examination, abnormal discharge, etc., erythema, topical (redness), etc. tenderness or other changes may be seen. Pathogens can be bacteria, such as Iran. chlamydia and Gram-negative, or yeasts such as Candida albicans, or protozoa such as . The transfer of these infections, principally from the way of sexual behavior, but other ways such as the use of clothing and accessories, infected is also likely. For the treatment depending on the agent, create an area involved of the medications like topical creams such as ., the oral medications such as capsules, fluconazole and tetracycline, or solutions of washing a topical such as Betadine, we use....
What is DO ?
Doctor of Osteopathic
Medical doctor (briefly DO) a PhD degree for physicians and surgeons is some of the University Medical in the United States offered. Graduates after passing the test permits the American Medical (Board) of all the rights, privileges, and duties that doctors (briefly MD) haves. enjoy. Doctors has allowed the full practice of Medicine and surgery in more than 65 countries around the world, including Iran, and every 50 US states. In America, doctors DO seven percent of doctors make up. In the year 2015 ad, over 96000 physician DO in the U.S. engaged the practice of Medicine have been.

medicine in the year 1847 America began. The term "" (osteopathy), or the bone health for the first time by a physician and surgeon, prominent American Andrew Steele (Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO) were used. He Medical School New your , unpacking, and believed that the "bone—to, Steven (osteon)—starting point was that he could have been operating the exact disease process identified." Stainless steel in 1892 the American School of (American School of Osteopathy) founded that today is called the University of A. T. Still University of Health Sciences in the city state America is. At that time, the state of Missouri, degree, MD, medical provide, but that stainless steel of the limitations of the traditional medical audit was not, as the new DO for graduates chose.

medical to browse evolved into two branches, was divided into: the first category , non-medical, which are outside of the U.S. have been trained, and only applies to the manipulation, the muscle-skeletal and are optimistic (which is more in the countries of Western Europe, especially England, have been trained), this group similar in America. The second category doctors medical schools us that are for all aspects of modern medicine, along with methods have been trained. In the U.S. the second category physicians which degree DO you have all the rights, privileges, and duties of doctors (MD) will enjoy. Doctors with the first category non-physician (documents outside of the U.S.) very different from each other, and hence, the two professions are quite different, deemed to be.

training programs medical schools (DO) in the US, almost with medical schools (MD) is the same. Students after obtaining the undergraduate degree in the respective fields, and class, prerequisites, etc. entrance test to medical school behind the painting. Then students can be having required documents in hand, graduate, and score entrance test, for admission to medical schools (DO), etc. (MD), or both. After a reception in the school , students four-year period behind Mark. This course is a two-year theory course and a two-year period, Clinical can be divided into. Theory course or pre-clinical on Science Education spotlight on mechanical and clinical focus, and the first two years of university to be included. Course Clinical that year the third and fourth to be included, including the main training clinical, and specialized (sub-internship) in the specialty of clinical. The direction of the completion of the course, students should be in expertise in clinical the main, which includes domestic, women and obstetrics, pediatrics, general etc. surgery. of mental Medicine, Medicine, Emergency, Radiology, Medical, prevention, and public health is the education they deserve....
What is TMJ ?
Temporo Mandibular Joint
The joint between the lower jaw and the bone lobes...
What is CRISPR ?
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
Alternately, short indented regular cluster or briefly (CRISPR), part of the DNA are those that contain, alternately, a short sequence fundamental.

sort of immune system adaptation in the bacteria that it is able to discover the DNA of the virus and later, turning. Part of the system ., the protein called 9 (Cas9) is the ability to search, cut, and finally, transmuting the DNA of the virus to a special method. Technology to allow scientists, etc. changes in the DNA of cells, creating.

the use of technology on humans:
the first experiment editing gene, CRISPR-Cas9, a ... October 28, 2016, for the treatment of lung cancer was conducted. In this experiment, a group of Chinese, led by Lu Yo from the University of Sichuan in the city of Chengdu, China. immune cells a person suffering from lung cancer, for take-out gene, causing the protein PD-1 is turned off. Protein PD-1 function, immune cells slows down and cancer cells to allow the release. After editing the cells to kill them and, again, to the patient injection....
What is CPP ?
Cranial Perfusion Pressure
Pressure perfusion of the skull

the amount of CPP must be above 70mmHg is the blood flow of the brain is established and the ICP normal is preserved. CCP = BPmax – ICP...
What is QSAR ?
Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship
The dependence of a bit of action and structure, or , etc. (with the symbol of the abbreviation QSAR) is a model of logistic regression and classification is that in chemistry, biology, engineering and enjoying. In ., the relationship between chemical structure and interaction, bio, etc. for a little bit, etc. is checked.

based on the methods ., the dependence of action and structure. The dependence of a bit of action and structure, from the fundamental most methods of review within the computer, for modeling bio-chemical, and especially in , etc. And .

the main methods , based on variables. divided into three main categories are:

- method -wide
- comparative field molecular (CoMFA)
- , ferry-Wilson
This method can be on a part-basis Time. chemical or three-dimensional work....