Today, Thursday، 2 Jan 2025 - 21:24

Acronym Finder

What is TESE ?
Testicular Sperm Extraction
To extract sperm from testicular tissue Testicular Sperm Extraction) TESE), it is said that generally, men done. In these cases, the testicular tissue is fragmented and if there is sperm in this tissue the person candidate for treatment is microinjected. In this procedure, iodine biopsy or testicular fragmentation is performed with local anesthesia and the removed tissue is examined in the iodine embryological laboratory. If after careful examination of the testicular tissue live sperm of the appropriate quality these sperm are used for fertilization extraction (microscopic injection of sperm into the egg or microinjection)....
What is PGD ?
Preimplantation Genetic Disorders
There are diseases ك in couples, or families to it. Age, Mom, and factors such as these can increase the risk of malformations, chromosomal aberration in the newborn. To prevent the recurrence of genetic diseases, the iodine or iodine method is used. The name of the new PGD in the dictionary of International CARE, Fertility, and infertility PGT-M (preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorders) is. in the method after conception and normal pregnancy genetic examination and diagnosis takes place between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, and if a genetic disorder is diagnosed, the only option available to the couple is either having a child with a genetic disease or termination of pregnancy....
What is IUI ?
Intra Uterine Injection
Iodine means injecting washed sperm into THEUERINE cavity and is one of the assisted reproductive methods. This iodine increases the chances of the egg coming into contact with the sperm in the erus and increases the chances of pregnancy. Iodine is a very simple method that has found a very wide application in the treatment of infertility. < < > this procedure is relatively simple and painless and is performed under the supervision of a physician، without anesthesia. In this procedure, semen is usually washed in a special way, and then the washed sperm is poured into the woman's erus through the vagina using a narrow tube (iodine). this method aims to increase the chances of pregnancy by taking ovarian stimulant drugs increases the number of eggs born in the corresponding cycle to two or four eggs. For this purpose, ovarian stimulant drugs should be taken at exactly the appropriate dosage and at the specified time as directed by the Attending Physician. After examining the condition of the ovaries with the help of ultrasound and observation of the follicle and ensuring that the condition of iodine is normal, injections of an assisted reproductive drug (iodine) are performed to stimulate ovulation. usuallyu is done about 36 to 48 hours after the iodine injection. But sometimes, according to the physician and the circumstances, to increase the success RATEU twiceu and at a time.
to determine the exact time to do the practice IUI and announce it to the imago Dei, the man should be after two to five days of abstinence from doing intercourse, and the exit face. morning determined to do surgery. the sperm sample to the lab to deliver. The sperm sample should be collected by masturbation (masturbation) or using special condoms without sperm lethal substances in a sterile container provided to the man by the iodine laboratory. The sample must be fresh and, as possible, prepared at the site of the exhibition. The sperm sample in the iodine laboratory is separated from the semen by washing with special substances and the iodine material is injected....
What is PRP ?
Platelet Rich Plasma
Iodine is a thick blood transfusion that contains a very high percentage of platelets. Platelets are molecules with natural regenerative properties. the platelets in iodine contain several growth factors that help repair the iodine tissues seen in the body. The use of these growth factors has positive effects in speeding up tissue repair and preventing the aging process. Iodine can be effective in many branches of medicine, such as the beauty and health of skin and hair.

in recent years, the use of the method of PRP or plasma rich in platelets, in addition to the other treatments of infertility such as IVF to achieve goals, such as increasing the quality of eggs. increasing the thickness of the wall of the uterus and increase the acceptance of the endometrium. has increased. Although there are still no definitive results of the effect of this method on increasing the likelihood of successful infertility treatments, the use of iodine is increasing day by day....
What is EDC ?
Estimated Date of Confinement
This term means a possible date of delivery....
What is NT ?
Nuchal Translucency
NT, etc. an indicator of the amount of fluid accumulated under the skin, the baby\'s neck (Nuchal translucency) is. This parameter is also called the thickness of the back of the neck....
What is NB ?
Nasal Bone
This term in pregnancy ultrasound means Nasal bone (iodine)....
What is SCH ?
Subchorionic Hematoma
This term in pregnancy ultrasound means subplate bleeding (iodine)....