What is TSD ?
Temperature-dependent Sex Determination
While the TSD in many species, reptile, fish have been observed., the genetic differences between genders and molecular mechanisms TSD obvious yet. It is thought that the path of mediating cortisol, and the path of regulatory epigenetic mechanisms potentially involved in TSD are.
the eggs when over a third of the middle growth of the embryonic are very much under the influence of the temperature are. This period is critical in the production of like that as the period of sensitivity to heat be known.
many scientists believe that the distinction of sex, i.e., determining the sex of eggs in turtles are dependent on temperature, is to be able to exact The determine the range of certain time we have.
period or sensitive to temperature (TSP) period is when the growth of irreversible can be. It is with the use of species that determine sex-dependent temperature, such as crocodiles and turtles can be used. TSP usually period a third intermediate incubation that the end of the embryonic stage is. The time limit TSP slightly among species are different. the growth and development of late embryos in the ducts, the passage of eggs, should be considered (e.g., most of lizard). Send a pulse of heat over the course of the sensitivity of the heat often to determine the sex is enough, but after the TSP, sex in proportion to the temperature not responding. However, after this period, a change of sex is not possible.