Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 08:46

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What is FFS ?

Facial Feminization Surgery

Steel female compression face, or FFS, a set of surgical procedures and restorative that features a men's facial to scenarios convert does. This surgery can include surgery, bone-like brow lift up. cosmetic surgery of the nose. planting species and prosthetic lips or not, such as removing facial hair, or items such be. Each face traits, secondary sex that there is a detection or being comfortable does not, for example, men, the nose bigger than women or are women chin than men. The Shape of the forehead and skull as well in between men and women is different. Change the shape of the forehead is one of the ways that can help be the face of the masculine to the feminine, turns out.

for a lot of transsexual surgery female storage the face of a stage medicine is considered essential to a person's turmoil, sex, drop him. This surgery may even be more surgery, sex change person to help and more relaxed person to give.

studies have shown that trance, and that steel female compression face have done a better quality of life and more relaxed compared to the people who have this surgery have not done the ... have.

often referred for surgery of the female storage face. transsexual are, but it is possible other people have like the converter legs, also called for this action are.