What is LD ?
Low Dose
This drug in young women under 20 years, or those who want ago from the first pregnancy, a long time drug consumption. and, and, more than pills, is recommended.
if the drugs accelerate a metabolism, the effects of the medication intake. should be in during the course of treatment with those drugs (or at least a week after the end of the treatment period) one other method of prevention of pregnancy also used. Otherwise taking, is recommended. One of the other cases, the consumption of this drug in women of same is due to different reasons, such as ى that in the period of time he is done, intent, however, of his has their own, and for God reasons obvious to mention. example, lack of access, or at least the existence of problems in the direction of access to ك health during the trip. Therefore, B Mrs. The Young and Khasa that the intention of taking this medication. it is recommended if the first time we're going to consume this medication, have the doctor or officials, pharmacies low dose more the tablet's request, if by this means of complications such as a feeling of nausea, headache, vertigo and heart pain chronic The Prevention of these complications to a minimum level to reach.
estrogenic (Ethinylestradiol) and () this drug, the secretion of El a friend and F SS to a friend's harness, and The Courier El a friend in the middle of the period remove does and the level of the steroid androgen. This way, the drug prevents the release of the ovum. Also, implantation of the ovum and the transfer of the fertilized egg in a tubal ligation to prevent. The effect of the other. prevent the entry of sperm (because of the thicker, the cervical mucus.
taking any kind of medication must be under the supervision of a doctor or midwife.
pills, for Eat the day, a tablet in hours fixed that from the first day of the monthly period started and up to 21 days of consumption. After a week of rest (standstill), but again, the new pack of pills consumed.
pills should be every day, hours a fixed consumption. In the event that a turn tablets do. must as soon as consumption. otherwise, in the next turn, 2 tablets taking. If taking the tablets on 2 consecutive days do. should be in 2 days. every day 2 tablets, to be eaten, and from the third day, according to the routines of consumption. In the event that taking pills more than 3 do. should be by the end of the period of the cycle of other methods of contraception.
In vomiting or severe diarrhea absorption digestive medication, and be better in the duration of the disease from one other method of contraception may also be used.