What is CMV ?
Cyto Megalo Virus
the virus, which is the largest member of the herpes family viruses, as expected, DNA containing more than kbp240 and the ability to encode more than 200 products of protein is fundamental that the performance of many of these proteins are still not well known. Similar to other herpes viruses, virus by an outer shell contains two layers of lipid surrounded that the contain proteins encoded are viral, and the importance of a lot in terms of design, vaccines, anti-virus. In terms of pathology, the hallmark of the classic recognition of CMV in tissues, cells () and contains inside the core, which is under the microscope view similar the eyes of the owl owl's eyes make the and view they are strongly in favor of active CMV infection. CMV tends to infect the storage cells and lymphocytes, and in cases of diffuse disease, evidence of infection in most organs can be observed.
In immunity against CMV safety And both play a role. It seems glycoproteins G and H, the outer shell of the virus in stimulating the immune the role of the basic have, but the immune responses, although in controlling a severe infection affecting are able to harness the conflict pair and the fetus are not. The production of cells on behalf of the host against CMV and conflicts MHC/I plays an important role in Infection Control. Each of the mammalian species, with CMV-specific your are infected, therefore, humans are the only host CMV human. In developing countries, often children, in the years of childhood, CMV, call out, and almost 100%, evidence of serum positive history of contact with the virus. While human rights developed just 50%, evidence of serum contamination.
transfer the virus of the following takes place:
mother to fetus (through the placenta or during delivery) and milk. child to parents, publication in a daycare, bonding, tissue, and organ. blood transfusion
the most important problem that is in conflict with CMV is caused primarily by the contamination of the fetus during pregnancy and then infection active in patients with immunodeficiency and organ transplant. In the event that the native during pregnancy active infection with about 40-30%, the risk of transmission to the fetus is there, but in the event that maternal pre-pregnancy infected, only 5/0-2/0% risk of transmission to the fetus, there will be. In the entire 2 - 5/0% of the babies who in all the world with are to CMV are affected, and CMV is the most common cause of infection, congenital (congenital infection) can be considered.