Today, Sunday، 9 Mar 2025 - 18:12

Acronym Finder

What is GBR ?
Great Britain
United Kingdom or the United Kingdom (United Kingdom) with the official name the United Kingdom of Great Britain (GBR) and Northern Ireland (UK), is a country located in western Europe and the capital city of London. The UK consists of four parts: the three parts it England and Scotland and Wales are on Great Britain make up. The fourth part of the ... Northern Ireland is on the island of Ireland is located. Britain by the Atlantic Ocean from the West and North, the North Sea in the East., the channel-Manche in the south and the Irish Sea in the West, is surrounded by.

many members of the House of Lords this side for a family heirloom they receive. The appointment of some members of the House of Lords also of the Queen and with the advice of the Prime Minister accepts.

form of government continues in the British kingdom, which is governed by a constitutional monarchy based on the Westminster to the centrality of the city of London is governed. Political system the country has six types of elections in which, the members of the parliament, the Cabinet, Local Government, etc. representatives of the United Kingdom in the EU, Municipalities, Local Government and the commissioner of police are elected. This territory of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is composed. Three countries, the recent has the local government are, which was described in four of the capital called Edinburgh, etc., Cardiff and Belfast are operated. Though the islands of Guernsey and. Jersey and I under the protection of the UK are, but one of those poses, not the process. The UK has fourteen Land of the sea. These lands are the remnants of the British Empire are. This empire, the largest empire date are expected to be at its peak in the centuries 19 and 20, almost a quarter of the Earth, the Earth included. The influence of culture, the British can be found in the language, culture, British, of legal the former colonies of the Empire to see.

the UK a developed country and has the sixth largest economy in the world by GDP, and the eighth economy of the world based on purchasing power parity. This kingdom was the first industrialized country in the world, and during the 19th and early Century 20 superpower unmatched in the level of international law to be went. The country is still in the realm of economic, cultural, military, scientific, and political power, wide international and is one of the few fixed members has a veto in the UN Security Council from the time of its creation in 1946. This country is one of the powers known of has War software core in the world and in terms of military spending, ranking fourth in the world.

United Kingdom member of the European Union and its member the European Economic Community from the time of its genesis in 1973, has been. Also, the United Kingdom, a member of Dakhma the Council of Europe, the group of seven., the group of 20 Organization for Economic Cooperation and development and the World Trade Organization can be. British on June 24, 2016 to the separation of the EU agree on a candidate, respectively....
What is USE ?
Utrecht School of Economics
The Faculty of economics of Utrecht (The Netherlands)...
What is PL ?
Poland or Poland (Polish: Polska to English, Poland), officially the Republic of Poland (Polish: Rzeczpospolita Polska), is a country in central Europe, western, Germany, from south-west with the Czech Republic, from the south with Slovakia, the North-East with Lithuania and Russia (the region's native Kaliningrad), from the East with Belarus, the South-East with Ukraine and from the north with the Baltic Sea neighbours. The area of the country numerically, the 312, the 6 thousand square kilometers, is it the sixty-ninth largest country in the world and the ninth largest country in Europe has. Also, with a population of 38. the 5 million this country, the thirty-fourth populous country world, eighth in Europe and sixth in the European Union, can be. Poland has made focused has 16 provinces and the capital, Warsaw, is called.

the executive branch of this country to the order of the president, prime minister and board of ministers. President for a term of 5 years will be selected that the maximum a president can two terms in this post does not serve....
What is PROC ?
People Republic of China
Republic of China with about 9٫6 million square kilometers, the fourth country in the vast world after Russia; can, Canada; and the US is; and also the second largest country in the world in terms of the breadth of the earthy (excluding internal water) is.

China, the natural landscape, a variety of, from steppe, forest and desert, such as Gobi and place in the dry north near Mongolia and Siberia, Russia has taken up the forest, and subtropical in the land of the wet south close to Vietnam, Laos and Burma. The western regions of the country is uneven, and the mountain ranges, the Himalayas and the Tian Shan, the natural border it with India and Central Asia, traced their. In contrast, the eastern regions of the country low-lying and coastal to the length 14 of 500 km in the South East with the South China Sea and in the East China Sea, the eastern neighbor is in the other Taiwan, Korea and Japan have been....
What is KUB ?
Katholieke Universiteit Brabant
The Catholic University of Brabant...
What is SHZ ?
Shiraz (about this case pronunciation help·info) is one of the major cities in Iran and the metropolis, this country, and the center of Fars province. The population of Shiraz, in the year 1395, Solar 1, the 565 of 572 tons, which have been the figure, with a total population resides in the countryside to 1 of 869, the 001 tons. Shiraz is the fifth great city and populous country.

Shiraz in the central part of Fars Province, at a height of 1486 meters above sea level in the mountainous region located in Zagros Mountains and weather, there. The city from the west side to the mountains , from the north to the mountains of , etc. ., The Forty the Baba kuhi (from the mountain ranges of Zagros) is limited....
What is UIT ?
University of Information Technology
University of Information Technology...
What is TEH ?
Tehran, the most populous city and the capital of Iran, the center of Tehran province and Tehran city is. With 8, the 693 of 706 tons of the population, the twenty-fourth most populous city in the world and the most populous city of the West Asia are expected to be. The metropolis of Tehran is also the second largest metropolis populated the Middle East.

from the unevenness of natural, Tehran, Iran, to two district Dashti and foothills of Alborz is divided, and the range of the current it from a height of 900 to 1800 meters above sea level, along the IS. Tehran has a climate semi-dry. In most years, the winter half of the total annual precipitation in Tehran's security and makes the summer as well as the rain the most season in Tehran, Iran.

Tehran Urban with a variety of ethnic groups, but of foreign population it is low. As the English language, the world, the majority of the people of Tehran Corp, make up and more of the people of this city are officially Muslim and the four imams are. Other religious communities in Tehran, Iran include Baha'i, etc. the Zoroastrians, Christians, and Jews can be. Crimes committed and the issues like, violation of the rights of children and women, of the problems of this city.

background, life in Tehran, to the era of Neolithic returns excavated and taken in Tehran, Iran. led to the discovery of the skeleton of the 7,000-year-old man and stone tools, were. In the early centuries, the seventh, with the devastation the city of Ray and the migration of its people to the ... knowledge of the trading, construction and Citizenship, people ray to Tehran, transfer found, and the cause of progress it was. In the era of Safavi much the importance of Tehran, was added, but originated the prosperity and progress of this city, to the Northwest it goes back. Sir, dynasty Qajar. is the founder of the dynasty Qajar, who, after repeatedly trying to capture, Tehran, Iran finally managed to do this was ... in the New Year 1165, after the years of war with his world, and claims the kingdom, Tehran, Iran, to the capital calls. Becoming Tehran from a typical urban to a the modern capital, from the Pahlavi era began. In the era of the Pahlavi dynasty. the affairs of the country in the capital was concentrated, and the myriad government employees in the city quickly rose in ... in this era, the city of Tehran, in addition to the task of political and commercial., the duty office will also accept. With the revolution of 1357 and the beginning of the war, Iran and Iraq. for nearly a decade of development in Tehran for several years and after the end of the course, the development of the Iranian capital continued, and Tehran, to the epicenter of the acceptance of the population in Iran.

Tehran, the epicenter of the economic of Iran is the first industrial area of the country can be considered, but the activities of the International Economic an important role in the number employed, it does not. According to the statistics from the year 1395., the share of Tehran in the total GDP of Iran is 21%, and accounted for half of the industry sector of the country to the ... plays an important role in the economy of Iran. This city is one of the most important tourism centers in Iran to the account comes in and has a set of tourist attractions that include palaces and museums, its can be. Freedom Tower the symbol of Tehran and is from the Charter of Cyrus the great, for the first time, in this place, was unveiled. Milad Tower is also a symbol of the other, Tehran and the tallest tower in Iran. Tehran, with the hosting of the Asian Games 1974 etc., the first city in the Middle East was the host of the Asian Games and be a sports complex, freedom as one of the most advanced of its era, get-together time with this game on 10 September 1353 developments.

In terms of administrative, Tehran, Iran, to the 22 area, and 122 urban area is divided and the cities of Tajrish and Rey's envelop is taken. City administration is the municipality of Tehran done. The mayor of Tehran by the City Council of Tehran is selected and the council on the performance of the municipality monitor and to administer the city, the legislative does. In the year 1347, the first comprehensive plan of Tehran, with a horizon of 25 years and with the responsibility of Abdul Aziz , and Victor Gruen was prepared, which are far from the most important legal basis development of the city of Tehran. As a center of political and Administrative, the most important state institutions, and judiciary in Iran, like the ministries and parliament that Tehran's 30 deputies in the It is. the city is located. The city has two international airports Imam Khomeini and Mehrabad is of the busiest airports in Iran are....