Today, Sunday، 9 Mar 2025 - 18:09

Acronym Finder

What is BNL ?
Brookhaven National Laboratory
National Laboratory Brookhaven famous (BNL) is a scientific centre federal in the state of New York.

The Lab in 1946 by Brookhaven., the scientist specializing in nuclear sciences, and with the support of the Ministry of energy of the United States of America was established....
What is LANL ?
Los Alamos National Laboratory
National Laboratory, Las Alamos (LANL), a scientific center, the Federal in the state of New Mexico, USA.

The laboratory budget is equal to $ 2 billion a year, is in the north of the city of Santa Fe are located.
What is ORNL ?
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, A Center for scientific federal in the state of Tennessee USA.

This is the center of one of the pillars of the Manhattan Project.

This facility with annual budget in excess of the 1. the 65 billion dollars in the first year. one of the most scientific institutions in the history of the United States can be considered.

this lab on the outskirts of the city of Knoxville is located and 4600 people are employed.

The University of Tennessee, along with private enterprise, "Butel" this lab will guide and administer....
What is SNL ?
Sandia National Laboratories
National Laboratory (SNL) is a scientific centre half series the Federal in the state of New Mexico, USA.

a branch of this laboratory, also in California....
What is LLNL ?
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National celebrity to LLNL a center of scientific federal in the state of California, USA.

Bunny the laboratory, Edward Teller....
What is WIPP ?
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Utilities trial waste reputed to be (WIPP), etc. established in 1999, a federal facility in the state of New Mexico in the United States.

This place near Carlsbad in New Mexico. and is the place that the waste core meta- resulting from nuclear weapons since the burial. Duration intended for waste core at this location 10,000 years....
What is MIT ?
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) MIT., the private university located in the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts in the US., which has five main faculties, a college and 32 sub-groups training. The university is usually called the abbreviation of it, IE MIT (MIT) to be known.

William Barton Rogers in 1861 it created.

The University is one of the most important centers of scientific-research in the U.S. and the world. In 2008, during pattern research conducted by the Institute of QS to rank universities, the University of "MIT" in the category ninth-ranked.

the area of the university campus in the city of Cambridge, 0. the 7 square kilometers, is vs, a distance of about a mile goes the famous "Charles" is located. The university campus is the street, "Massachusetts" divided into two parts and be a bridge "Harvard" attached to it.

the presidency of the current the university is the responsibility of the doctor, Susan ....
What is UK ?
United Kingdom
United Kingdom or United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the abbreviation UK), is a country located in western Europe and the capital city of London. The country consists of four parts: the three parts that the countries of ancient England, Scotland, and Wales are on Great Britain make up. The fourth part, Northern Ireland is in the island of Ireland are located.

in a lot of resources. the whole country, the UK, inadvertently, UK, or briefly, England read. In the official sources should be of the phrase, "United Kingdom", "the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" and "Great Britain" or "British". In this text and the official texts. the words England or the UK, just England in the semi-South United Kingdom westward....