Today, Sunday، 9 Mar 2025 - 05:37

Acronym Finder

What is HCL ?
Hennepin County Library
Library City (HCL), established 1885 the name of a System Library in the United States of America. The Institute .

the library system of the institute with over 4,927,693 the title of the book is among the greatest centers in the country USA, can be considered.

central branch of the library by Caesar, the bridge is designed....
What is CAE ?
Central African Empire
Kingdoms of Central Africa (French: Empire centrafricain), the rule of the dictatorship of the Central African Republic between the years 1976 to 1979.

Jean-Gimme President, your time in the four December 1976 \"Emperor\", unpacking, and the Republic disbanded.

spend the coronation ceremony, he is about 20 million US dollar, which was in those years a quarter of the total revenue of the government.

on September 20, 1979 with a military coup supported by France, was overthrown....
What is MDE ?
Maryland Department of the Environment
The Ministry of Environment Maryland...
What is PN ?
Palmerston North
Palmerston North (PN), if 100 kilometers north of the city of Wellington, capital of New Zealand.University in the city.
What is MSKCC ?
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Cancer Center Sloan Kettering (MSKCC) from the most prestigious research centers, the cancer of the world.

this academic center in New York City is located, and a research center, and prominent as well.

in 2007, the center (since the center of the cancer of the world, Anderson the University of Texas) is the second top cancer treatment center in the United States among research centers-Health America became known.[...
What is ERIC ?
Education Resources Information Center
Center, information resources, education, briefly, Erik (ERIC) the national system of updates about education in America....
What is PNNL ?
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Laboratory National northwest Pacific celebrity (PNNL) is a scientific centre federal in the state of Washington USA....