Doha (Doha) (Doha, the capital of Qatar. This city on the shores of the Persian Gulf. Its population according to the census the year 2015 ad 956, the 460 people.
Doha, in recent decades, see investment frvan in urban infrastructure has been. So that from a coastal village to a modern city has become. Designs of modernization of the city are commercial buildings and residential as well. City training that is an accredited university, in order to work. Plans to build a stadium World Cup football, shopping centers, and project Doha land that the City play a big diameter. The city has an international airport and also the center of the airline can be. News network Al Jazeera English and Arabic, in the city of Doha, located is being made. The document Vision 2030 Qatar is based on four principles of human development, social, economic, and Environmental is based, in part, the economic development on the use of the proceeds from the natural resources of Qatar to propel the economy of the country to the other sources of income, and in the development of environmental, social, cultural development with a minimum of damage to nature is emphasised.
the major oil and gas country, a diameter in the range of offshore Doha, is located. That's why Doha is hosting the most significant companies in the oil and gas world. Traditionally, and after the discovery and extraction of vast oil after World War II in diameter, which mainly used by oil companies, Americans were ... the economy of Qatar based oil and gas revenue basis.
but a few years ago with the aim of this done, country Qatar, the intent of the industrial storage and commercial storage and the separation of the economy, single-polarized, and dependent on the oil there. He complete this quest in the city of Doha is visible.
diameter in recent years as a destination of what is known and recently, as a tourist town, emerging, growing, and developing is to be known. Doha as a city, modern and dynamic, built on the cultural roots of the deep of the cultural heritage of the Bedouins retreat itself. Visitors from Qatar, whatever, for a summer trip need to make available have. relaxation, desert, etc. alleys, lively and ... the beaches of Shelley., the green parks, as well as a luxury hotel in Qatar is available....
Doha, in recent decades, see investment frvan in urban infrastructure has been. So that from a coastal village to a modern city has become. Designs of modernization of the city are commercial buildings and residential as well. City training that is an accredited university, in order to work. Plans to build a stadium World Cup football, shopping centers, and project Doha land that the City play a big diameter. The city has an international airport and also the center of the airline can be. News network Al Jazeera English and Arabic, in the city of Doha, located is being made. The document Vision 2030 Qatar is based on four principles of human development, social, economic, and Environmental is based, in part, the economic development on the use of the proceeds from the natural resources of Qatar to propel the economy of the country to the other sources of income, and in the development of environmental, social, cultural development with a minimum of damage to nature is emphasised.
the major oil and gas country, a diameter in the range of offshore Doha, is located. That's why Doha is hosting the most significant companies in the oil and gas world. Traditionally, and after the discovery and extraction of vast oil after World War II in diameter, which mainly used by oil companies, Americans were ... the economy of Qatar based oil and gas revenue basis.
but a few years ago with the aim of this done, country Qatar, the intent of the industrial storage and commercial storage and the separation of the economy, single-polarized, and dependent on the oil there. He complete this quest in the city of Doha is visible.
diameter in recent years as a destination of what is known and recently, as a tourist town, emerging, growing, and developing is to be known. Doha as a city, modern and dynamic, built on the cultural roots of the deep of the cultural heritage of the Bedouins retreat itself. Visitors from Qatar, whatever, for a summer trip need to make available have. relaxation, desert, etc. alleys, lively and ... the beaches of Shelley., the green parks, as well as a luxury hotel in Qatar is available....