Today, Sunday، 9 Mar 2025 - 05:18

Acronym Finder

What is RISD ?
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhode Island School of design, which refer to the RISD () is said to be a College of Fine Arts and design, is in the city of Providence, state of Rhode Island, USA, is located. This school in 1877, and in the vicinity of Brown University has been established. The two of collaboration, academic and social are the and courses shared offer.

Rhode Island College is a private university, is one of the educational centers of the privileged of Fine Arts in the United States is considered....
What is DAFA ?
Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan
The Ancient the sociology of France in Afghanistan, or briefly Dafa (Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan) (DAFA), a Institute of Archaeology, which in 1922 was to request the government of Afghanistan in order to advance archaeological research in Afghanistan was created.

After a break working at the time of the Second World War, the activities of the institute once again in the years 1946 to 1947, the attack, and until the time of the closures it from the side of the pro-Soviet government in Afghanistan in the year 1982 to, the activity continued. In the year 2003, etc. based on agreement with the Afghan authorities, the Ministry of foreign affairs of France, decided to reopen and resume the activities of the Dafa in Afghanistan.

Dafa twenty-seventh institute has ever been in France outside of the country. Continue by signing the agreement to the date of 16 February 2004, in cooperation, France and Afghanistan in the field of heritage, archaeology and architecture, to the reopening of objectivity forgiven. Dafa today, tens of projects across the country supervision: negotiations and participate in the provision map, the archaeology of Afghanistan. excavations archaeology in the West, Herat, Bamyan, etc. El Staff Sgt. restoration of ancient heritage, movable and immovable (Dafa, especially in the restoration of the mosque of Haji walks in the north of Afghanistan works), education professionals, Afghan heritage, ancient., the opening (Museum) in Mazar-i-Sharif. in collaboration with the National Museum of Afghanistan in Kabul, and so on. Dafa also a library with exceptional richness in approximately 10,000 volumes effect and 3000, magazine, periodical about archaeology and history of this region....
What is ICTP ?
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
The International Centre for Theoretical Physics Abdus Salam (briefly said) the name of the Central Scientific-Educational, which Dr. Abdus Salam, scientist, Pakistanis, and won the Nobel Prize for Physics. in 1964, at 10 kilometers from the city of Trieste, Italy founded. This center, under the agreement, a tripartite between the government of Italy, UNESCO and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) activities.

The goal of the center, develop and motivate the research and education fields advanced, especially in developing countries. Despite being the name of the primary center is still maintained. the activities that the majority of aspects of the science, the physics and applications of it....
What is KPI ?
Kiev Polytechnic Institute
The National Technical University of Ukraine \"Kiev Polytechnic Institute\" (briefly KPI) is one of the largest universities in Ukraine, which is in the city of Kiev is located.

The Polytechnic Institute of Kiev, the largest of Sciences Po Europe, as well that of the 21 faculty; the 9 educational institutions and scientific (including military)and has 2 branch offices in the cities of and Slavutych, and 12 of scientific research and 14 academic center.Has 125 strings, undergraduate and 115 threaded in the master.In collaboration with experts, senior engineering PHD and experienced professors, pundits, celebrities, Russian, and Ukrainian is administered, including 260 professor 1249 PHD and has advanced facilities, and classrooms and laboratories equipped with the latest technology, educational and of education at the level of universities known to The offers....
What is NMWA ?
National Museum of Western Art
The National Museum of Western art to brevity, NMWA is also called an art museum is in the Park Ueno in Tokyo, Japan. capital of Japan is located. This museum in the year 1959 ad has been established, and of Western art is dedicated....
What is OPEL ?
Ocean Prediction Experimental Laboratory
The ocean forecast experimental laboratory (University of Miami)...
What is HRM ?
Halifax Regional Municipality
Halifax, etc. is urban in Canada and the province of Nova Scotia. The city revolves around "the Anchorage, Halifax", and the second largest harbor in the world, is made.

Halifax, from the most crowded city of Canada....
What is HSBC ?
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
The Swiss (HSBC) the name of British banking. The bank, one of the largest banks in the world. Bank of the Swiss in the year 1865 ad, in Hong Kong, that of the colonies of the United Kingdom. was established. The center of the current Bank of the Swiss in the city of London are located.

on December 16, 2008]. was announced that Bank of the Swiss, etc. losses a major effect on the spoof fifty billion dollar investment fund Bernard in the United States, is incurred. Bank, Swiss, etc. a sum amounting to a billion dollars in the fund had invested....