Today, Sunday، 9 Mar 2025 - 18:17

Acronym Finder

What is CSA ?
Confederate States of America
The United Confederate of America (CSA), which is in English called, States, and the states confederate of America, too, has been read, has a set of eleven states in Southern in the country of the United States of America between the years 1861 to 1865 was applied.

Jefferson Davis during the American Civil War time. the presidency of the United Confederate US was in charge. The government of the self-proclaimed he is no government in the world, was not recognized. Finally, with the defeat of the army of the south in the American Civil War this unit is political collapse, and the rebel to the collectors of the United States of America returned.

the capital of the Confederate States. the city of Richmond, in the state of Virginia....
What is BC ?
British Columbia
Columbia (BC), the western most province of Canada.

in 1871 (ad) as the sixth province to the Confederation of Canada joined.

in 2004 it has a population of 4, the 168, the 123 people. The province of Victoria and the city that Vancouver is....
What is SE ?
Sweden (Swedish: Sverige pronounced and for the acronym SE), etc., is a country in northern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula. From the west country of Norway, north of Finland, from the East, with the Gulf of , of the South East with the Baltic Sea and from the south-west, with Denmark's neighbours. The name of the country in English from its name in French (Suède) is taken. The capital city of Stockholm.

Sweden, with an area of 449 of 964 sq km., the third largest country in Europe in terms of area. The population of Sweden more than 9. the 2 million is almost 7٫9 million people, it's Swedish form. This country, with the number of 20 people per square kilometer of population density, the lower is that most of the population also in the south of Sweden are deployed. Also, more than 85% of Swedish people in the city live.

the country of Sweden from the rule of a constitutional monarchy and has a government to a parliamentary form of administration. The king in this country, the position ceremonial, and the country by the Prime Minister operated....
What is PNU ?
Payame Nour Univesity
PNU is one of the universities in Iran is that in the year 1367, was established.Practices Educational of the university, education, open and distance. The authorities of the University from the year 1386, etc. in addition, Persian language, Arabic as a second language and official in the educational system of this university have entered....
What is GOM ?
Gulf Of Mexico
The Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of, a large of the Atlantic Ocean in southeastern North American continent....
What is KSA ?
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia one of the countries of the West, the continent of Asia. This country on the Arabian Peninsula located, and from the north by Iraq and Jordan and Kuwait and the Middle East with the United Arab Emirates and Qatar and the Persian Gulf and in the South East with Oman, and from the South, Yemen is bordered. Place is an important religious Muslims, such as the Kaaba and the mosque of the prophet in this, the country is located....
What is LPS ?
Lincoln Public Schools
Public Schools, Lincoln (NE)...