Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 01:42

Acronym Finder

What is WFU ?
Wake Forest University
University of Wake Forest, etc. established 1834, one of the universities in the United States of America has been the University's main campus in downtown Winston-Salem in North Carolina. University their name from their former place in Wake Forest near the center of the state of North Carolina, Inc. Raleigh....
What is FSM ?
Federated States of Micronesia
Federated States of Micronesia is a country in the Pacific Ocean. Its capital .Micronesia is one of the regions of the continent of Oceania.

this country, in the North-East New Guinea, Papua, etc. are located. This country in 1986, formally their independence from the United States to be achieved, but with a contract shared with us their partnership with the US in various fields, firmly.

based on this contract us the task of defending this country is responsible for and can your troops it deployed. Present for this thanks to the US annual $ 100 million from the US and for the people of this country are allowed in the US live and work....
What is TSX ?
Toronto Stock Exchange
The stock exchange of Toronto (TSX), the largest stock market in Canada, third in North America and the seventh in the world in terms of market value. The stock market Toronto in the largest city of Canada, city of Toronto. In 2010, the value of this market 2, the 17 trillion dollars....
What is IHU ?
Imam Hosein University
University of Imam Hussein (A. s)...