Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 02:10

Acronym Finder

What is NG ?
Nigeria (Nigeria, etc. pronunciation: ـــ), or officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a country in West Africa. Its capital Abuja and the city that Lagos is. The population of this country of 170 million people and its official language is English.

the currency of the country is and half of its people that in the north of the country, live Muslim, and the other half in the south, are Christian. Nigeria in terms of oil supplies, the tenth country, and among the exporters of oil south of the country.

Nigeria in 1960, Britain became independent and the name of the country from the name of the River Niger is taken. Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa and the seventh populous country in the world. The country is also the most populous country in the world, with the majority of black skin.

from 2002 in the north of the country, clashes between Islamist group Boko Haram, government forces stream. armed group Boko Haram is demanding the closure of all schools, new and impose the law of Islam upon all the 36 state of Nigeria is.

historical background of Nigeria to at least 9 thousand years BC, pitted and district and Cross River in Nigeria, the origin people, Bantu has been considered that the immigrants that in the millennium, the first and second bc of the subregion have been moving, and in most regions of Central and Southern Africa, location, location choosing....
What is NF ?
Norfolk Island
Solomon ., the small island between Australia and New Zealand and in the Pacific Ocean. Among the foreign lands, the government of Australia is considered, but of autonomy....
What is NE ?
Niger official name "Republic of Niger" is a country in West Africa. This country, with 1 in. 267 in. 000 square kilometres., the twenty-first country in the world in terms of the breadth of geographic and one of the largest countries in Africa in terms of area. This country, on August 3, 1960 (est. officially from France, the declaration of independence.

Niger, the land is rocky and mostly sand Prairie. This country is one of the poorest countries in the world, however, has oil resources and ore mines, uranium....
What is NC ?
New Caledonia
New Caledonia or (French: Nouvelle-Calédonie) (name of the folk: Kanaky, and Le caillou) is a set of islands under the sovereignty of France (1853) in the Pacific Ocean.

Southeastern Asia, native to this land from generations of the peoples inhabiting the island of New Guinea, are that from 50 thousand years ago, these islands .

about 1500 years ago the peoples of Polynesia inhabit islands north ; the so-called to these islands came. It, they don't skilled were agricultural also were aware of, and on a large area in the Pacific Ocean, the impact would have been. From the eleventh century AD, time to the island, and with the people it . James Cook in the year 1774, the first, was that . in 1853 a colony of France, and migrated extensively from Europe, to it also from the second half of the nineteenth century began....
What is NA ?
The Republic of Namibia, is a country in south western Africa. Its capital and largest city is Windhoek....
What is MZ ?
Mozambique is a country in southern Africa. Its capital Maputo. The population of the country in 2009, nearly 23 million people. The country's official language is Portuguese and its currency meticul Indians.

the country from the north with Tanzania, in the north-west with Malawi and Zambia, the West with Zimbabwe and South with Swaziland and South Africa. In the east of the country, the Indian Ocean is located.

56% of the people of Mozambique, Christians, and about 18% are Muslims....
What is MY ?
Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia and its capital, Kuala Lumpur. Government agencies and ministries of this country in a new city, Putrajaya (administrative capital) of the country actually is. Malaysia, a member of the United Nations, and pragmatics. This federation consists of thirteen states in Southeast Asia. The name "Malaysia" when the choice was that of the Federation of Malaya; the Singapore, Sabah, and Sarawak, a union consisting of 14 states, is formed. In 1965, Singapore from Malaysia, was separated, and the first country to become independent was.

Malaysia into two regions, Geographic and the South China Sea, which it separates: Peninsular Malaysia, or Malaysia, that Western on the Malay Peninsula is from the north with Thailand border, the dryness, and there is a through road of Johor Bahru, South, Singapore is linked. This country contains a king Johor, etc. Kedah, etc. thanks., the Negri Sembilan, etc. Kelantan., the Perak, etc., Selangor, etc. Perlis and has two states, it is the governors of Melaka and Penang, and the two federal territories of Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur supervision. Malaysia or the Malaysian East that the northern part of the island of Borneo to bordering Indonesia. under the supervision of the rule of Shah Neshin Brunei is located. Malaysian Oriental into the United and Sarawak and the federal Labuan.Although from the political perspective this section Malay, supervision. but the new population of Malaysia, there are minorities of Chinese and Indian solid. The policies of Malaysia, to express the nature of The advice, it is said, and the three main party forming the National , etc. each your affiliation to one of the groups, is reduced. The only tension important been seen in this country. from the time of its independence so far, the riots, 13 on the eve of the campaign and conflict, has been. However, the Malaysian model of harmony, one would be....
What is MX ?
The United States, Mexico, or Mexico, is a country in North America. This country has more than 112 million inhabitants and the capital, Mexico City., the most populous city in the world.

language administrative and functional, in Mexico the language is Spanish, but the country has an official language, not of 2003, a total of 62 native tongue, red skin, as well as "national languages" is registered and recognized has been. Mexico largest Spanish-speaking country in the world and is about a third of the entire Spanish-speaking world live in Mexico. 70 percent of the people of Mexico descended from the mestizo (mulatto white and red), the 15 percent white, and 9.8 percent red skin. 82.7% of people it Christian, Catholic, and 7.9% follower of other branches of Christianity are.

the country from the north with the United States of America and the southeast with Guatemala and Belize borders. Also, the Pacific Ocean, in the West and South, the Gulf of Mexico in the East, and the Caribbean Sea in the South-East it included. This country with about 2 million square kilometers, the vastness of time. 14 country, the vast world and 11 populous country in the world.

the first of the works of man in America, the middle obtained belonging to 40 thousand years ago. Mexico is also the cradle of one of the most important civilization of the ancient Aztecs. Mexico in the 16 ad by Hernan was discovered in the year 1519 civilization, native to Mexico, the Spaniards were attacked. This country, from the year 1521 until the wars of independence between 1821-1810 colony of Spain. Mexico is the most populous region under the Protectorate of Spain. After a three-century conquest of the Empire, Spain, etc. eventually, in the year 1810 Mexican independence from Spain was declared....