What is NL ?
25% of the land, the country the Netherlands is lower than sea level is 21 percent of its population in these areas live. About 50% of the land, the Netherlands is also a height less than one meter from the sea level. Because that is the name of this country in the Dutch language Nederland means "land of the post" () is a name that many other languages for this country to suffer the same meaning. Netherlands, in, Niederlande, in, the, Netherlands, Croatian, Nizozemska, French Les Pays-Bas, Italian Paesi Bassi, Finnish, Alankomaat and Spanish Países Bajos called that all the languages means "Land post".
the words of the Netherlands, which in the Persian language, and also English and Arabic and many other languages for this country, goes to work, in principle, the name of the area of the country has been (to be compared: pars/Iran) that refer to all of the country to work is gone. Keywords Netherlands, Holland in the Dutch language the middle to form holtland be, and it means "land of wood".