Today, Saturday، 22 Feb 2025 - 21:14

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: WTD

Waiting to Die (medical slang)

Win the Day


What to Do

Working Time Directive

Who to Delete (social media)

What the Duck (web comic)

White Tail Disease

Weighted Tail Drop (Cisco)

White Tail Deer

Work to Do

What's the Definition

World Trade Display (Italy)

World Tourism Day (UN)

Week to Date

What's The Deal?

Wireless Time Distribution

Walk the Dog

World Telecommunications Day

Want to Die

Water Table Depth

Where's the Dough? (website)

What the Dickens

Water Tight Door (US Navy)

What the Deuce?

What the Dunk (Nike shoe)

What the Devil


What the Dilly

Weapons Training Deployment (USAF)

Weapons Training Detachment (US Army)

Westinghouse Tampa Division

Write Transition Detection

Working the Door

Wireline Technology Development (Sprint)

Weapons Technologies Directorate