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Search result from: TPM
Trusted Platform Module
Total Productive Maintenance
Timbalan Perdana Menteri (Malay: Deputy Prime Minister)
Talking Points Memo (est. 2000; digital publication)
The Production Manager
The Phantom Menace (Star Wars: Episode I movie)
Total Production Management (UK)
Technology Project Management (various organizations)
Toulon Provence Méditérranée (French community)
Tivoli Provisioning Manager (IBM)
Tensão Pré-Menstrual (Portuguese: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome)
Tentative Parcel Map (property records; various locations)
Total Polar Material (cooking oil)
Topiramate (medicine)
Trade Promotion Management
Technology Park Malaysia
Trading Partner Management (system)
Total Productive Management
Technological Protection Measures (DRM, digital locks, copyright protection, etc.)
Third Party Manufacturer
Technical Project Manager
Total Particulate Matter
Transactions Per Minute
Technical Program Manager
Transplant Procurement Management (various locations)
Third Party Maintenance
Total Preventive Maintenance
Total Productive Manufacturing
The People's Mosquito (aviation; UK)
Total Production Maintenance
Technical Performance Measurement
Tire Pressure Monitors
Transaction Processing Monitor
Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium (Indonesian: Millennium Development Goals; United Nations' objectives)
Trust Property Management
The Philosopher's Magazine (UK)
Tylenol PM
Transparent Prolog Machine
Tablets per Minute (manufacturing)
Ticketed Point Mileage
Transition Probability Matrix
Total Pallet Management (logistics)
Third Party Marketing
Transfer Pricing Methodology
Telecommunications Project Manager
Timber Products Manufacturers (Spokane, WA)
Total Particulate Mercury
Terminating Point Master (Bellcore)
Transparent Project Management (various businesses)
Today People Matter (business philosophy)
Turning Point Ministries
Transfer Phase Midcourse
The PokéMasters (website)
Technical Performance Metrics
The Pentecostal Mission
Team Performance Model (Drexler/Sibbett)
Transport Policy Model
Top Image Systems, Ltd. (former stock symbol; now TISA)
Tree Parity Machine (computer security)
Triumph Prophetic Ministries
Two-Phase Modeling
Terminal Phase Midcourse
Thermal Power Monitor
Telemetry Processor Module
Transaction Processing Module
Transportation Planning & Management
Technical Performance Monitoring
Tape Preventive Maintenance
Terrain Profile Mode (military aviation radar)
Two-Potential Model
Test Planning Meeting
Theremin-Playing Module
Transceiver Processing Module
TeleProfessional Magazine
Teen and Parent Mediation
Two Procedures Modem (ITU-T)
Transportation Protective Measure(s)
Tri-Partite Meeting
Telephone Pioneer Museum
Technology Planning & Management
Technician's Pocket Manual/Handbook
Thermal Prestressing Method (steel structures)
Transfer Price Mechanism (finance)
Transmission Path Monitoring (Ciena)
Transmission Planning Model (Sprint)
Topflite Print Management (UK)
Todo Para Mañana
Temporary Program Manager
Technologies Process Monitoring
Twists Per Minute