Today, Saturday، 29 Mar 2025 - 08:19

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: TOT


Tottenham (soccer team; UK)

Training of Trainers

Time on Tape (US Navy)

Temple of Time (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time; video game)

Trick Or Treat

Tower of Terror

Tower of Terror (Disney Parks)

Trail of Tears

Tongue Out Tuesday (pet pictures)

Texting on Toilet (senior texting)

Talk of the Town

Train of Thought

Turned Over To

Theatre of Tragedy (band)

Terms of Trade

Tip-Of-The-Tongue (memory)

Today or Tomorrow

Telephone Organization of Thailand

Transobturator Tape (urology)

Time of Travel

Time-Out Timer (radios)

Totally Off Topic

Totonicapan (Guatemala territorial division)


Templars of Twilight (gaming)

Transfer of Title

Trajectory Optimization Tool (Kerbal Space Program)

Transmission Oil Temperature (automobiles)

Transfer Of Training

Time Of Transmission

Teachers of Tomorrow (education program; various schools)

Time Offset Table

Time Over Target

Trans-Obturator Tape

Team Orange Triangle

Thousand Oaks Transit (California)


Tooth of Time (Philmont Scout Ranch)

Tree of Tranquility (video game)

Turbine Outlet Temperature

Top of Tree (used to refer to latest code in a CVS tree)

Triumph Over Tragedy (journalism)

Transportation Of Things

Tubal Ovum Transfer

Total On-Time

Tourist Organization of Thailand

Transient and Occupancy Tax (rentals)

Total Outgoing Traffic

Triangle of Trust (award)

Technical Operations Team (various organizations)

Time On/Over Target

Task Order Team (Defense Logistics Agency)

Trade-Off Technique

Torpedo Tube Pamphlet

Trans Oceanic Travels (India)